How can energy storage contribute to Brazil’s renewables market?

Dyness manager reports that storage is becoming a more economically viable option for Brazilian consumers
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Energia Solar Canal Solar Como o armazenamento de energia pode contribuir para o mercado de renováveis do Brasil
Dyness energy storage solutions. Image: Dyness/Disclosure

With the abundance of renewable resources in Brazil, O storage in energy will play an increasingly important role. The fluctuating nature of new energy sources, such as hydropower affected by seasonal droughts, as well as solar and wind affected by climate, cannot be ignored.

This is what you analyzed Nile Sun, regional sales manager at Dyness in Brazil. According to him, a solution to face the challenges posed by fluctuations in energy generation is to establish storage capabilities.

Currently, according to the manufacturer, the energy storage market in Brazil is still small, with an installed capacity of approximately 250 MWh.

“However, as the price of lithium batteries continues to fall over the past decade and storage technologies continue to improve, especially with widespread adoption in regions such as Europe, the United States and China, energy storage is becoming an option economically more viable for Brazilian consumers”, he highlighted.

“Residential systems, for example, can increase self-consumption of solar energy, storing electricity generated during the day for use at night or during blackouts, reducing dependence on the grid and lowering energy costs,” Sun highlighted.

Furthermore, he emphasized that storage systems can serve as emergency backup sources for homes, providing necessary support during grid failures or outages.

“For factories and commercial facilities, even a few minutes of power outages can be intolerable. Storage devices can help businesses provide backup power during outages and reduce electricity costs during peak times,” he explained.

Therefore, the executive emphasized that in Brazil's energy transition process, energy storage products have the opportunity to replace diesel generators and provide security for all commercial buildings and factories.

“Dyness, a leading global storage provider, has focused on Brazil for many years. Product quality and economy are two crucial factors for customers in Brazil. They also value the price, after-sales service, warranty, battery life cycle, etc.”, he reported.

Product portfolio for the sector

To meet the specific needs of the local market, Dyness has launched a series of residential products such as the DL5.0 series. This product adopts Li-FePO4 batteries, with a nominal capacity of 5.12 kWh per unit, and up to 50 units can be connected in parallel.

According to the company, the DL5.0 series also has an optional OTA function, which can perform remote updates and real-time monitoring functions. Additionally, Dyness focuses on the needs of the Brazilian C&I energy storage market and has launched the DH200F, an all-in-one integrated system design within the cabinet to suit commercial and industrial scenarios.

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Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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