How to stop selling prices on solar energy?

Understand how to position yourself to close deals and win customers who promote your company
21-09-23-canal-solar-Como parar de vender preço na energia solar
Selling solar energy is not just about closing contracts, says Tegon. Photo: Freepik

Anyone who wants to differentiate themselves in the solar energy market already knows that we are not just selling solar panels and clean energy systems. We're delivering an energy revolution that can transform the way people consume electricity while helping the environment.

Every day, more people recognize that solar energy is not just an option, but a necessity. It is the promise of more accessible, cleaner and independent energy. It is the response to growing concerns about climate change and environmental degradation. It is the vision of a future in which we can generate our own electricity from an inexhaustible source, the sun.

However, to truly impact customers and close meaningful deals, it is essential that integrators value themselves and communicate that value effectively. It’s not enough to offer solar panels; you need to inspire confidence, provide clear information and demonstrate passion for the transformative potential of solar energy. It’s time to stand out as a change enabler, not just a salesperson.

In this article, I will explore not only the intrinsic value of solar energy, but also how integrators can position themselves as agents of transformation in this scenario. We will discuss strategies to educate, communicate and inspire, empowering solar energy professionals to stand out in a constantly evolving market.

The Value of Solar Energy

Before exploring how to value yourself, it is essential to understand the intrinsic value of solar energy. It is not just a “green” alternative to traditional electricity, it is a reliable, sustainable and economically viable source of energy.

These are some points that make solar energy so transformative:

1. Sustainability

Solar energy is an environmentally responsible solution, significantly reducing customers' carbon footprint and helping to combat climate change. Recent data from the scientific journal Nature Energy shows that solar energy reduces CO2 emissions by an average of 98% compared to energy generated through fossil fuels. Furthermore, the reduction of other air pollutants contributes to better air quality.

2. Long-Term Savings

Solar energy systems can save customers thousands of dollars over the years by reducing their energy bills and offering a return on investment (what we call payback). On average, solar energy systems pay for themselves in five to seven years. Even with the new law, the payback time increases slightly: 3 to 4 months for residential consumers, and around 1 month for commercial properties. It is essential to point out that these savings continue to accumulate over the decades, making it a financially smart choice in the long term, as electrical energy only increases in cost annually.

3. Self-sufficient Energy

The ability to generate electricity on your own, often with energy storage, offers energy security even in situations of grid failure. This is critical in areas prone to power outages, such as regions prone to natural disasters. Having a solar energy system with storage can keep lights on and appliances running regardless of external circumstances, ensuring the comfort and safety of thousands of people.

4. Property Appreciation

Homes and businesses equipped with solar energy systems generally have a higher resale value, attracting investors and future-conscious homeowners. According to studies by the Green Build Council Brasil, properties with solar energy up to 30% more than those without photovoltaic systems. This represents a tangible financial benefit in addition to the monthly savings on your energy bill.

Valuing yourself as an Integrator

Now that we understand the value of solar energy, how can an integrator value itself while also offering that value to customers? Here are some essential tips:

1. Constantly educate yourself

Stay up to date with the latest trends and advancements in the solar industry. Be aware of changes in government policies related to renewable energy, and above all, monitor what the changes will be like for your municipality's distributor. The more knowledge you have, the more confident you will be when speaking to customers. This includes understanding the latest innovations in solar technology, such as high-performance panels and advanced storage systems.

2. Communicate Clearly

Use clear, accessible language to explain the benefits of solar energy to customers. Avoid technical jargon that can confuse rather than clarify. Be willing to answer all questions in an understandable way. Additionally, show how a specific solar energy system aligns with the customer's needs and goals, highlighting how it can reduce energy costs in a personalized way.

3. Highlight Past Success

If you have success stories from past clients, share them. Nothing is more convincing than concrete examples of how solar energy has benefited others. These success stories can include testimonials from satisfied customers detailing how their lives have been improved by the transition to solar energy, and of course, energy independence.

4. Be Passionate

Show passion for what you do. Solar energy is an exciting and innovative industry, and this passion is contagious. Show customers that you believe in what you sell, not just as a business option, but as a genuine way to improve the world and the future of each person impacted by solar energy.

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Selling value is an art that improves through practice

Ultimately, selling solar is not just about closing contracts. It’s about offering a valuable solution that can significantly improve customers’ quality of life and contribute to a more sustainable world.

When you value yourself as an integrator, you are empowered not only to sell, but to inspire change. You become the catalyst for the energy transition, empowering people to embrace a cleaner, more cost-effective energy source.

Your passion for the transformative potential of solar energy, your solid knowledge and your effective communication are not just tools. They are the driving force that drives this growing industry towards a brighter, more sustainable future. In a market where so many sell on price, choose to be the light that guides your customers' path to a world powered by the sun!

The opinions and information presented are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Canal Solar.

Picture of Gustavo Tegon
Gustavo Tegon
Graduated in International Business and with an MBA in Management and Business from the Methodist University of Piracicaba. With extensive experience in distributed generation, he led manufacturers BYD, Jinko and Canadian Solar in Brazil. He is currently Institutional Director at BelEnergy.

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