How to have solar energy in my house

Producing your own electrical energy with a photovoltaic system; understand the costs and how it works
Para produzir sua própria energia você precisa ter na sua casa um sistema fotovoltaico conectado à rede elétrica.
To produce your own energy, you need to have a photovoltaic system connected to the electricity grid in your home.

Did you know that every Brazilian home can generate its own electricity?

This became possible with the publication of ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 482 (National Electric Energy Agency) in 2012.

A RN 482/2012 authorized all Brazilian citizens to produce their own electricity. Companies (legal entities) can also generate their own energy.

To produce your own energy you need to have a photovoltaic system connected to the electrical grid, known as a grid-tie or on-grid system.

The grid-tie solar photovoltaic system operates in parallel with the electrical grid. This means that your home can be powered simultaneously by the electricity grid and your own generator.

The more energy your solar system produces, the less energy you consume from the grid, gaining savings on the electricity bill.

When there is no generation, especially at night, your home continues to be powered by the traditional electricity grid.

Ilustração de um sistema solar fotovoltaico residencial

How photovoltaic solar energy works in practice

To have photovoltaic solar energy, you need to install the following equipment in your home:

Photovoltaic modules: They are plates electricity generators that can be installed on the roof or on the ground, in any available area and preferably free of shadows.

Electronic inverter: It is equipment that collects direct current electricity from modules and converts it to alternating current. In addition to carrying out the conversion, the inverter injects electrical energy into the home's electrical installation, allowing this energy to be consumed internally by all existing appliances (including showers, televisions, refrigerators and everything connected to your home).

String-box: It is a connection box that receives the terminals of the photovoltaic modules and is then connected to the inverter. In some photovoltaic systems, this box is optional, as the photovoltaic modules are connected directly to the inverter.

Two-way meter: It is an energy meter that will be installed by the electricity company when you request accreditation of the photovoltaic system. This meter records the energy consumed in your home and also the excess energy generated, which you did not use and is exported to the electricity grid, generating energy credits that you can use as a rebate on your next electricity bill.

Principais componentes de um sistema solar conectado a rede elétrica

How to purchase a photovoltaic solar energy system

The first step to having solar energy in your home is hire a specialized company, which will design the most appropriate photovoltaic system for your needs.

Companies that provide residential photovoltaic systems are called integrators or installers. It is recommended to look for a company that operates in your city or region. Canal Solar provides a Business Guide that you can consult.

The installing company must take care of all these steps, delivering to you the photovoltaic system in operation and already approved by the electricity company.

How long does it take to install a solar energy system?

In a typical home, installation time is a few days. This is the time required to place the photovoltaic panels and install the cabling and electrical equipment (inverter, string-box).

The deadline for having your system up and running may be a little longer, as it depends on the time it takes for the system to be approved by the dealership.

Consult the installing company to find out the deadlines being applied by your local dealership.

What will my electricity bill be like with solar energy?

Your electricity bill will be reduced automatically from the moment you install the solar system, as you will produce part of the energy you consume internally, avoiding purchasing energy from the utility company.

Depending on the size of the photovoltaic system installed, you could save up to approximately 95% on your electricity bill.

But you need to keep in mind that the photovoltaic system is sized according to your current energy consumption (taking into account the average of the last 12 months). If you install or purchase more devices, you will need to expand the solar system.

Advantages of residential photovoltaic solar energy

Below we list some advantages of having a photovoltaic system in your home:

  • In addition to being a clean and renewable source of electrical energy, photovoltaic solar energy provides savings and profitability for anyone who installs a system in their home.
  • By generating your own energy, you stop buying energy from the utility company and save on your electricity bill.
  • Purchasing a photovoltaic system is equivalent to purchasing today all the electrical energy that you will consume in the next 25 years (which is the average useful life of a photovoltaic system).
  • The installation of a photovoltaic system offers immunity against increases in electricity tariffs, which tend to always occur above inflation.
  • Properties with photovoltaic solar energy are more valued, both for rent and for sale.
  • Solar generation is clean and silent. Photovoltaic energy does not produce noise and does not emit waste or pollutants.
  • Installation is quick and safe, without the need for complicated works or adaptations to your home.

How much does a solar energy system cost for my home?

A photovoltaic solar energy system costs less than you might think. In some cases, it may not cost anything, as the acquisition can be financed and the financing installments are paid for with energy savings.

If you are thinking about purchasing a photovoltaic system to generate electricity, you will be surprised by the savings and return on investment you will get.

See the article “How much does it cost to have solar energy?” that Canal Solar prepared for you.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

One Response

  1. There are 3 houses here, but only two have electrical installation from EDP Bandeirantes. In 1 of the houses there are 2 adults, in the other 3 adults and in the other 3 adults and 1 child.

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