Check out tips for efficient energy use during the summer

Rational use of electronic equipment is essential to control increases in energy consumption

Summer began in Brazil on December 21st and, consequently, high temperatures are increasing the value of Brazilian consumers' energy bills, as with the heat, air conditioning units and fans begin to be used more, for example .

Refrigerators and freezers are also in greater demand. And, with children at home due to the suspension of classes due to Covid-19, energy consumption with television and electronic games can also increase.

In view of this scenario, the energy distributor EDP Espírito Santo warns that the habit of electricity consumption must be better observed, adopting rational measures for the use of electrical equipment.

“High temperatures cause different habits, as to escape thermal discomfort people turn on fans for longer, drink more cold water and wash more clothes, behaviors that directly reflect on the increase in the value of the bill”, explained Vilmar Teixeira de Abreu, Customer Excellence manager at EDP.

Another factor that is influencing energy consumption is the Covid-19 pandemic. The social isolation imposed by the government led families to spend more time at home and work remotely, making the use of household appliances more frequent.

“We advise customers on the importance of always evaluating and understanding their electricity bill. On the invoice, in the “Billing History” field, it is possible to compare the monthly consumption and the value of the last 12 months, and reflect on your behavior and that of your family in that period”, highlighted Abreu.

Check out EDP's tips for efficient energy use:

  • The daily use of fans and air conditioning units is necessary, but on days with mild temperatures, turn on the fan. The air conditioning unit consumes more energy. If you are going to use it, set it to a temperature of 23 degrees or higher and set it to turn off just before you wake up;
  • Fans and open windows are the most affordable way to ventilate a space. When used at medium speed, they consume less than an air conditioner. But be careful, an excessive number of connected devices can increase your bill considerably;
  • With the heat, winter habits should be left aside. The shower must be in the “summer” position or, preferably, off;
  • Unplug equipment you use sporadically from the socket. Whenever you leave a room, turn off the lights and make use of natural light, opening windows and curtains wide;
  • The refrigerator corresponds on average to 30% of the total consumption of a house. Before opening the refrigerator, think about what you need, that is, reduce the time the door will be open.
  • The refrigerator should be away from hot places, such as near sunlight or the stove. Do not dry clothes behind the refrigerator and do not store very hot foods. Always defrost;
  • Regarding the television, it is important not to leave the device on without anyone watching, as well as other electronic devices that must be unplugged;

Other tips to avoid waste are:

  • Turn off the computer monitor and program the screen saver when the equipment is not in use;
  • Replacing compact fluorescent lamps with LED lamps, which are much more efficient, that is, they are economical and last longer;
  • Gather as many clothes as possible and wash them in one go, optimizing the use of the washing machine; the same goes for ironing clothes. The fewer devices connected to the socket, the less energy consumption.
Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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