'National Congress will soon approve PL 5829', says Albuquerque

Minister believes in the approval of the GD Legal Framework proposal by the National Congress
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'Congresso Nacional em breve vai aprovar o PL 5829', afirma Albuquerque

“I have no doubt that the National Congress will very soon approve the bill and that this issue will no longer be discussed.” This is the statement of the minister of the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy), Bento Albuquerque regarding PL 5829/19, which creates the Legal Framework for GD in Brazil.

In an interview with Radio Bandeirantes, the minister also commented that the Federal Government respects the competence of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), which is responsible for regulating the electricity sector in the country, but highlighted that the president Jair Bolsonaro has already publicly declared his support for distributed generation

“He [Bolsonaro] spoke, at the beginning of last year, with the president of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies and they came to the conclusion that the National Congress would be the place where all public policy in relation to distributed generation would be defined”.

Albuquerque also explained whether distributed generation has a subsidy or not. “The subsidy has to be applied to encourage any economic activity and after a certain time, obviously, this subsidy has to be withdrawn, because it no longer makes any sense, and go to other areas. This is not the particular case of distributed generation, which is the result of an ANEEL resolution from 2012”.

Meeting with associations

Yesterday afternoon (27), the MME fulfilled an agenda requested in February by the MSL (Associação Movimento Solar Livre) to the presidential office. During the interview with Rádio Bandeirante, minister Albuquerque commented on the meeting, indicating that congress is dealing with the issue that has the support of the government and president of the republic.

“We delivered to Secretary Rodrigo Limp a book with more than a thousand pages with motions of support from representative entities and city halls that have been sending letters and open letters in defense of solar energy and support for PL 5829, seeking to raise awareness among the Ministry of Mines and Energy. We are working in partnership with the agro sector and with entities from different segments of the economy”, said Hewerton Martins, president of MSL.

On the occasion, the president of Aprosoja Brasil, Antonio Galvan, highlighted the importance of solar energy in the countryside as the only way for producers to reduce the cost of energy and produce cheaper food. 

In addition to him, the president of the Board of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy), Ronaldo Koloszuk signaled the maturity of the solar sector and the understanding of aspects of the benefits of distributed generation for the electricity sector. 

According to Martins, Secretary Rodrigo Limp informed that dialogue and consensus can lead to a quick solution and that the government will leave it to Congress, as already stated by the president in 2019 on social media. Furthermore, he stated that ANEEL is independent, but must wait for the bill via congress.

ABSOLAR, Aprosoja Brasil, Anesolar (Northeastern Solar Energy Association) and Apeel (Energy Prosumers Association) participated in the meeting together with the MSL.

'Congresso Nacional em breve vai aprovar o PL 5829', afirma Bento Albuquerque

Presence in the Brazilian energy matrix

Minister Albuquerque also highlighted that solar and wind sources together represent 10% of the Brazilian energy matrix. The forecast is that in ten years they will represent 25% of our matrix. “It is a very significant growth and this shows that our matrix will continue to be clean and renewable,” he stated.

Also during the interview, the minister highlighted that, just like distributed generation, centralized generation will continue to grow, with solar sources being highlighted among renewable energies through auctions scheduled to take place soon. “I'm talking about centralized generation, which is the one we all have in our homes. We received this energy at home, all the result of auctions.”

Photo: Tomaz Silva/Agência Brasil

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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