Consortium will build 1st large-scale energy storage system in Brazil

Companies will supply a battery system with 30 MW of installed power allocated next to the Registro substation (SP)
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canal solar Consórcio fará 1º sistema de armazenamento de energia em larga escala no Brasil
A new model in the country will be implemented in a substation in the municipality of Registro (SP). Photo: ISA CTEEP

The Consortium formed by You.On Energia and TS Infraestrutura signed a contract with ISA CTEEP for the supply and installation of the first large-scale battery energy storage project in Brazil. O project was approved by ANEEL in the past, as reported by Canal Solar.

You.On Energia specializes in energy storage systems and TS Infraetrutura carries out engineering and infrastructure works.

The investment authorized by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) is approximately R$ 146 million and the work is expected to be delivered in November 2022.

According to the consortium, the project, to be implemented at ISA CTEEP's Registro (SP) substation, is an important step in creating regulation of the electrical sector regarding the inclusion of energy storage systems in the Brazilian energy matrix. 

The scope includes a 60 MWh battery bank, inverters, transformers, energy management software and automation, protection and control systems. The project will support the occasional increase in demand on the South Coast of São Paulo, especially in the summer, from November 2022, benefiting more than two million people. 

“The energy storage technology will act at times of peak consumption, as a reinforcement to the electrical grid, ensuring the delivery of 30 MW for up to two hours. As a result, even with the excess demand typical of holidays and end-of-year parties, the energy supply to the region's population will be optimized”, explains Giorgio Seigne, CEO of You.On Energia. 

“It is worth highlighting that the battery system can be used in various applications in the energy generation, transmission and distribution segments, such as relieving congestion points in the electrical grid and in ancillary services, for example, in order to guarantee stable operation, reliable and continuous operation of the electrical system as a whole”, he adds.

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Illustrative picture

For Helder Torres, commercial director at TS Infraestrutura, participating in an unprecedented project for Brazil that will deliver the best cost-benefit available today will be very significant for the company. “Currently, there is nothing like it in the country and being part of this innovative initiative will further qualify us for future projects within this concept. Being on the front line together with You.On to deliver a definitive and much-needed solution for the region is truly a privilege”, says Torres.

The executive also explains that the transformers used in the Registro substation will be from TSEA Energia, a company in the same group as TS Infraestrutura.

For the companies in the consortium, storage technology is also capable of contributing to the advancement of decarbonization, decentralization and digitalization, in addition to mitigating and/or postponing relevant system expansion costs (infrastructure works).

The modularity of the solution ensures portability and possible relocation to other parts of the country that need, at a given time, energy security (energy availability, quality and stability).

The solution is extremely versatile and, in addition to the specific benefits of this application in Registro, it enhances the insertion of renewable sources in the Brazilian energy matrix by smoothing the natural intermittences of wind and solar generation, promotes voltage and frequency control and reduces GHG emissions ( Greenhouse gases).

In the case of the Registro substation project, the environmental impact will potentially be reduced, since the application of systems that require diesel generation (equivalent use of 350 thousand liters of fuel) will be avoided. 

Therefore, according to ISA CTEEP, the use of batteries will prevent the emission of 1,194 tons of GHG in two years of the technology being in operation, in addition to carrying out works in environmental preservation areas, such as the Serra do Mar State Park.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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  1. Good afternoon

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    I just finished a course at Senai in SP, as a FV climber.

    Thank you in advance for the opportunity

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