Solar sector has a new complaint channel

The complaints reception service is provided by the Brazilian Solar Energy Association

Since the beginning of 2019, electricity consumers and companies operating in the solar sector have had a complaint channel against abuses by energy distributors that fail to comply with the access rules determined in ANEEL Resolutions No. 482, No. 687, No. 414 and in Module 3 of PRODIST.

These resolutions determine the rules for connecting photovoltaic systems to the public grid, to which consumers, installation companies and electricity distributors are subject.

The complaints reception service is provided by the Brazilian Solar Energy Association (ABSOLAR). The most reported problems are non-compliance with deadlines and the request to send documents not required in ANEEL resolutions.

If the installer or consumer wants to report any type of non-compliance, they must fill out a form available at this link:

We remind you that in addition to recording what happened on the ABSOLAR channel, it is recommended to follow the procedure stipulated by ANEEL:

  1. Open a formal complaint with the energy distributor’s customer service department.
  2. If the problem is not resolved within the stated deadline, a complaint must be filed with the distributor's ombudsman.
  3. If the problem is not resolved, a complaint must be opened with ANEEL, on telephone 167 or through the website:
Consumers of photovoltaic systems must demand their rights and now have an ABSOLAR complaints channel.
Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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