Higher electricity bills affect 90% of Brazilians, according to research

Still according to Ipec data, 81% of those interviewed want expansion of renewable energy
Conta de luz mais alta afeta 90% dos brasileiros, segundo pesquisa
According to the research, 22% reduced the purchase of basic foods to keep the house energized. Photo: Elements

In collaboration with Henrique Hein

The account of electricity became more expensive in 2021 and the increase was felt by most Brazilians. This is what research from the Ipec (Intelligence in Research and Consulting), hired by ICS (Instituto Clima e Sociedade).

According to data collected by the survey, which interviewed 2,002 people aged 16 or over in all regions of Brazil between November 11 and 17, 2021, 90% of those interviewed say that the rise in electricity bills had an impact “a lot” or “a little ” in the family’s daily life.

Still 40% of those interviewed stated that they reduced or stopped buying clothes, shoes and household appliances to pay the bill, and another 22% reduced the purchase of basic foods to keep the house with energy. In the Northeast, this index reaches 28%.

The research shows that many have adopted changes in behavior to try to reduce the value of their energy bills: half (49%) say they have adopted actions such as taking a shower more quickly and turning off light bulbs and 44% say they have stopped using or reduced the use of household appliances that consume a lot of energy.

Many (42%) also replaced light bulbs with more economical ones, and 23% started to avoid consuming a lot of energy during peak hours. Only 5% declare to use alternative renewable sources, such as solar energy, and 18% have not changed their habits.

Although few have yet adopted renewable energies, 81% from the research heard wants them to be expanded. Reliability in renewables is high: for 59%, they are as reliable as conventional ones.

Ipec data also reveals that 77% of Brazilians want priority in proposals to expand the use of renewable energy in Brazil by candidates for the Presidency of the Republic this year. And 81% say that proposals that aim to prevent the occurrence of water crises in the future should be prioritized by candidates.

For 69%, renewables harm the environment less, and 64% say that investment in renewable energy helps to generate jobs. Half (50%) think they are cheaper than non-renewables, but 31% believe they are more expensive.

Solar energy

As the Ipec survey pointed out, a percentage of respondents (5%) have invested in renewable energy, such as solar energy, to avoid increases in electricity bills.

For economists and experts in the energy sector, among renewables, the solar energy presents itself today as one of the most effective solutions for consumers who want to generate their own energy and reduce electricity bill costs.

In addition to the quick installation, which can be completed in up to 24 hours, the use of the source also helps the country's economy, with generation of more jobs and increasing family purchasing power.

Furthermore, the source also has less impact on the environment, as it is a renewable and clean resource, whose energy generating source is the sun. In recent interview with Canal Solar, Ricardo Amorim, one of the country's leading economists, highlighted that solar is one of the best investments a person can make.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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