Deadline to contribute to the review of RN 482 is 12/30

RN 482, which deals with the right of each and every Brazilian citizen to generate electrical energy for their own consumption

The deadline for sending contributions and proposals for the review process of Normative Resolution 482 ends on Monday, 12/30/2019. RN 482, which deals with the right of each and every Brazilian citizen to generate electrical energy for their own consumption, has been in the process of being amended since 2018 and is in the public consultation phase of the final text (Consultation 025/2019).

After the end of the period for receiving contributions, which began on 10/17, the contributions review stage will begin. As reported by Solar Channel On 12/06/2019, the General Director of ANEEL, André Pepitone, stated that the forecast for publication of the final text should be in March or April 2020.

It is worth remembering that any citizen, whether or not active in the distributed generation market, can send their proposals and proposals. Contributions can be sent by email ([email protected]) or by mail to the agency's address (SGAN, Quadra 603, Módulo I, Ground Floor, General Protocol, CEP: 70830-100, Brasília-DF) .

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Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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