COP26: minister highlights the importance of solar energy during the water crisis

Bento de Albuquerque, from MME, also spoke of his commitment to facilitating energy transmission
Minister of Mines and Energy, Bento de Albuquerque spoke about the importance of solar energy at COP26

Clean energy was the major topic debated at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, COP26, on Thursday (4). Direct from Glasgow, Scotland, where the event takes place, the Minister of MME (Mines and Energy), Bento de Albuquerque, spoke about the importance of solar energy with the Minister of the Environment, Joaquim Leite. 

The virtual meeting was broadcast on video on the Ministry of the Environment's YouTube. “These energy sources [solar and wind] were very important during this water shortage, which Brazil has experienced in recent months”, explained Albuquerque, who reinforced the country's commitment to having a clean energy matrix.

The Minister also reiterated that Brazil will still grow a lot in the solar photovoltaic and wind energy sector. “In 2030, wind and solar will represent 25% of our energy matrix. This is very positive. And I have no doubt that the Brazilian Northeast has very great potential [in this sector]”.

When asked what the MME's planning is to solve the difficulties in the transmission and flow of solar energy in some regions in Brazil, Albuquerque says that it is one of its main challenges and focus of attention. 

“The challenge is to balance the expansion of energy generation with the expansion of the transmission of these energies. I am fully convinced that, with the professionalism of our technicians and servers, we will achieve our goals. We will continue to expand and offer increasingly more energy security in our country with a lower cost in energy generation and transmission”, he clarified.

Photovoltaic energy in Recife schools

Also present at COP26, the mayor of Recife João Campos (PE) took advantage of Energy Day at the summit and announced a program to install photovoltaic solar energy in municipal schools in the capital. The announcement was made during the seminar “The Brazilian Northeast and the potential of the Fair Energy Transition in Brazil”, on Thursday (4).

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Initially, 20 municipal schools will be selected to receive the installation of photovoltaic solar panels to generate their own energy, but the objective of the program is to expand production to the entire municipal education network in Recife.

“We are here in Glasgow participating in COP26 and today was a very important day. We made a commitment that Recife, over the next four years, will install renewable photovoltaic energy in all education units in the city. We will start immediately with a pilot project in twenty schools and carry out the project to be able to pay in full and in four years reach all units with their own generation of photovoltaic energy”, explained Campos.

The program also involves raising awareness in the school community about the importance of generating clean energy, such as photovoltaics, and conscious consumption.

“We will do this by talking to teachers, students and the more than 90 thousand students in our network will have access not only to a school with renewable energy, but to know the installation process and the importance of each one doing their part for us make a better world”, said João Campos.

Photo: José Cruz

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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