CPP Investments and Votorantim Energia invest in the country’s 1st hybrid park

The project is scheduled to begin operations at the beginning of 2023
CPP Investiments e Votorantim Energia investem em 1º parque híbrido do país

The start of operations of the VTRM hybrid park, a joint venture formed by Votorantim Energia and CPP Investments, is scheduled for the beginning of 2023. The construction of the pilot project has already been approved by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).  

According to the companies, this is the first photovoltaic park in Brazil that combines complementarity between solar and wind sources for energy generation

The project will work in the associated park model, where the structure of the new solar plant with initial capacity to generate 68.7 MW will be installed on land next to the existing Ventos do Piauí I park, with a shared transmission substation. 

The energy from the solar project will complement the production of the wind project, whose generation is more intense at night due to the characteristics of the winds in the region.

The objective of the project is to combine the two sustainable sources so that they complement each other, bringing efficiency gains to the Brazilian electrical system, thus optimizing energy production according to its performance.

“This project is the result of Votorantim Energia’s initiative to propose a technical and regulatory innovation with the potential to transform the energy sector in Brazil. Since 2017, we have invested in studies related to hybrid projects to evaluate the feasibility and advantages of combining solar and wind sources, contributing to regulatory advances for an initiative like this”, said Fabio Zanfelice, president of Votorantim Energia.

“This decision by ANEEL represents a relevant step towards the modernization of the sector, which will allow the reduction of operating costs and the optimization of the use of the energy transport system, making new renewable energy projects in the country more competitive”, added Zanfelic.

The project has a financing line approved by BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development) in the amount of R$ 189.98 million.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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