Crea-SP will prepare an instruction manual for inspection of PV installations

Entity will hold meetings with concessionaires and companies in the sector to more effectively combat state installations
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07-11-23-canal-solar-Crea-SP irá elaborar manual de instruções para fiscalização em instalações FV
Lecture by Paulo Takeyama, held in the second edition of Canal Conecta, about the role of Crea-SP in supervising photovoltaic installations. Photo: Canal Solar

O Crea-SP (Regional Engineering and Agronomy Council of São Paulo) will hold, on November 13th at 9:30 am, a meeting of the Multidisciplinary Committee on Renewable Energy Sources to prepare a primer in instructions for inspection in photovoltaic installations.

The meeting, which will take place at thirst of Crea in the city of São Paulo, will be attended by Concessionaires in electricity of the state and companies of the photovoltaic sector.

“With the rapid growth of the solar market, accidents with installations have become frequent, due to unqualified professionals. Concerned about this, we are taking some decisions and carrying out several interventions in electrical installation companies in general”, he said. Paulo Takeyama, deputy coordinator of the Specialized Chamber of Electrical Engineering at Crea-SP.

Therefore, the idea of the meeting, according to him, is to bring together players in the sector so that Crea can reach a consensus on each one's role. “In other words, so that everyone can contribute to making electrical installations safer, with qualified professionals”.

“In this case, a manual will be developed to more effectively combat installations in the state. The booklet will guide inspectors on which facilities to prioritize and take special care, especially with public and healthcare buildings, for example, where there is a large concentration of public”, concluded Takeyama.


The meeting of the Multidisciplinary Committee on Renewable Energy Sources will be held at the headquarters of Crea-SP, located at Av. Angélica, 2364 – Consolação.

To register, you will need to send an email to the following address: [email protected], with the name of the company, CNPJ, full name of the participant, position and personal document to be identified at the entrance.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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