Brazilians are growing concerned about global warming and clean sources

CNI research interviewed more than 2 thousand people in all states of the country and the Federal District
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You extreme drought records it's from heat records cross country raised concern of Brazilians as global warming and the need for more intensified use of clean energy, such as solar and wind systems. 

This is one of the main conclusions released by the research Sustainability and Public Opinion, from the CNI (National Confederation of Industry). 

The survey shows that in 2022 the fight against climate change appeared in sixth place in the ranking Brazilians' priorities for environmental conservation in the country, being mentioned by 16% of the interviewees. 

Last year, the item jumped to second place, being cited by 27% of respondents, second only to improvements in the water and sewage treatment service (30%). 

Already the use of less polluting sources grew from 9% to 12% in the same period, as shown in the image below: 

Image: CNI/Reproduction

The study highlights that 91% of the interviewees stated that they noticed the existence changes in temperature or climate over time last years, with the population aged 25 to 40 being those who felt the most changes. 

Brazilians aged 41 to 59 are the age group that least believes in rising temperatures on the planet. 

Respondents with completed secondary or higher education are those who most believe in climate change, while the same does not occur among illiterates and Brazilians without primary education. 

Image: CNI/Reproduction

Another highlight presented by andstudy shows how Brazilians evaluate the impacts of global warming and the real need for greater action by society to combat it in a short space of time. 

For 60% of respondents, the global warming It's a very serious problem; while for 31% it is serious; for 5% it is not serious and for 2% it is not serious at all. Around 1% of listeners did not give their opinion or did not know how to respond.

When asked which sentence best represents their thoughts regarding the topic “global warming” about:

  • 61% considered it to be an immediate problem that needs to be addressed urgently;
  • 16% assessed that this is a problem that will only occur in a few years, but that it is now necessary to combat it;
  • 14% said it is something that will only happen in the very distant future, but it needs to be faced now;
  • 3% said it was a problem that would only occur in a few years and that there was no need to rush to combat it.
  • 5% did not know or did not answer the question.
Image: CNI/Reproduction


Altogether, the study interviewed 2,021 Brazilians, with age from 16 years, us 26 states from the country and the Federal District. A margin of error of the sample is 2 percentage points, with a confidence interval of 95%. 

After the research, a weighting factor was applied to correct any distortions in relation to the sampling plan, informed the CNI.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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