Growth based on partnership and with an eye on social

Renovigi Energia Solar is about to inaugurate its new factory in the state of Ceará
Renovigi Energia Solar will inaugurate its new factory in the country, in the Pecém Industrial and Port Complex, in São Gonçalo do Amarante, in the state of Ceará

The year 2021 is not over yet, but we already have a lot to celebrate. Despite all the challenges we faced, such as the lack of equipment for imports, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the devaluation of the real against the dollar, which directly affects prices and, consequently, demand, we remained with good results.

Therefore, we can look to the near future with optimism, with the conviction that the demand for solar energy in Brazil remains firm.

Renovigi Energia Solar is about to inaugurate its third factory in the country, in the Pecém Industrial and Port Complex, in São Gonçalo do Amarante, in the state of Ceará. The forecast is that this unit can initially produce around 7,500 solar energy generation systems per year.

From Ceará, we are preparing to serve all states in the Northeast and North. Together, the two regions should account for 30% of Renovigi's sales, reinforcing the company's leadership position in the manufacture of Photovoltaic Systems.

The company and brand Renovigi has the best after-sales rating in Brazil. A fact that we are very proud of and for which we work every day. For us, quality and safety come first.

We are committed to continuing to grow. Our forecast is to end the year with R$ 850 million in revenue and forecast to earn more than R$ 1.2 billion in 2022. That is to say, the company's growth allows us to contribute to the creation of jobs, in addition to translating into support for development social and economic status of the country.

More than 9 thousand accredited companies are joining us in this challenge, with the mission of making the world more sustainable, using the sun as inspiration. With our partners, we work in municipalities to develop social projects, installing photovoltaic systems in non-profit entities, such as homes for the elderly, hospitals, schools and associations that aim to improve and promote social good.

Faced with a scenario that requires attention in relation to the water crisis, with a consequent increase in energy prices and risks of blackouts, solar generation is gaining increasing relevance as an option for a clean and renewable energy source, allowing to reduce costs and minimize energy consumption. environmental impact of electricity consumption.

Continuing to grow organically, meeting the demands and expectations of the communities where we operate, reverting the benefits of our projects to society, in addition to maintaining a work environment of continuous respect and encouragement, are Renovigi's purposes.

We are committed to providing products to the market with the highest quality, providing training to the accredited network, focused on safety and technical qualification in the services provided.

Our desire is that our partners and customers can look forward to 2022 with confidence, with the certainty that, together, we can make a difference in many homes and in many companies.

Picture of Gustavo Müller
Gustavo Müller
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul since 1995 and has a master's degree in Administration from the same institution (1999). Extensive experience in international trade, industry and industrial equipment services, automotive chain, automakers, auto parts, competitiveness, quality and productivity. He is CEO of Renovigi, a leader in the manufacture of photovoltaic systems in Brazil.

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