Water crisis worries industries in the Campinas Region 

Ciesp survey shows that entities are evaluating solutions to reduce water and electricity costs 
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The water crisis and the effects of the worst drought in recent years in Brazil have entered the list of concerns for industries in the Campinas Region (SP). This is what a survey released this Tuesday (22) by Ciesp (Center for Industries of the State of São Paulo) points out. 

The entity carried out an online survey with 40 associated companies and came to the conclusion that 88% of them are concerned about the “reflections on industrial activity and possible increase in costs” and that only 12% claim “not to be concerned”.

Another point of the research that reinforces the fear of entities regarding the scarcity of water resources is that 57% of them confirmed that they had recorded an increase in water and electricity costs compared to the previous month. If there is a drop in supply in the coming months, the tendency is for expenses to rise even more.

Read too: Additional electricity bill increases by 364.8% in less than two months.

“There is concern about lack of water and energy, which could have repercussions on industrial activity, although industries, following the last energy crisis, began to adopt various measures to reduce consumption and other alternatives, such as reusing water in their plants. productive activities”, said José Henrique Toledo Corrêa, deputy director of Ciesp.

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In the executive's understanding, solar energy is currently a saving alternative to industrial production in the midst of the crisis. “Hundreds of companies have already decided to adopt the solar energy system as a complementary alternative. It is a resource that contributes and can alleviate possible shortages in times of water crisis”, he commented.

Lack of rain

Campinas has been there for four months recording below-average rainfall rates, according to data from Cepagri (Center for Meteorological and Climate Research Applied to Agriculture) at Unicamp (State University of Campinas).

From March until now, the equivalent of 41.6% of the total volume predicted by the municipality's historical average has rained. Of the expected 331.2 mm, only 138 mm were recorded in the period.  

The meteorology institute also points out that this year's autumn was the second with the lowest rainfall since 1989 – the year in which measurements began to be made in the city. The accumulated volume was 116.4 mm, second only to the value recorded last year, with 61 mm. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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