DAH Solar supports national campaign to encourage the photovoltaic market

Initiative aims to show that solar is an accessible investment for all social classes
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28-07-23-canal-solar-28-07-23-canal-solar-DAH Solar apoia campanha nacional de incentivo ao mercado fotovoltaico
“Solar energy is not an investment for the rich,” says Felipe Santos. Photo: Adriano Cabral

On July 9th, the Brazil got to know the national campaign SOLAR ENERGY. IT'S SO WORTH IT!, which premiered during the break of the Fantástico program, broadcast on the Globo network.

The initiative of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy), with major players in the sector, aims to create a advertising campaign for the end public, showing that the solar is an investment with guaranteed return It is accessible to all classes social.

According to the DAH Solar, one of the main supporters of the initiative, the photovoltaic market in Brazil is still young and needs to grow, this means that it is necessary to tell Brazilians about the advantages of their own energy generation.

“It is a joy to actively participate and sponsor. It is the first time in history that a solar incentive campaign as comprehensive as the one we are supporting has been carried out”, said Débora Garcez, Marketing Director at DAH Solar in Latin America.

According to her, the project is very important to help disseminate photovoltaic sources in Brazil. “We are excited to be part of this historic movement for the sector.”

“Furthermore, by supporting this campaign, our objective is to support the integrator, who is the most important link in this chain. It is essential to provide arguments and materials that can support and strengthen your sales arguments for the end customer”, highlighted Débora.

Felipe Santos, commercial director of DAH Solar in Latin America, highlighted that the growth prospects for solar energy are very favorable. “Brazil is a blessed country from a solar point of view. Our lowest radiation rates are the highest in some European countries.”

“We have a low penetration of photovoltaic systems in residential units. Therefore, there is a vast field to be worked on and disseminated by photovoltaic energy”, he highlighted.

In addition to job creation, Santos stated that solar energy is especially democratic, as it allows the end user to produce their own energy and, contrary to popular belief, it is not an investment for the rich.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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