DAH Solar approves ARaymond clamps for full-screen panels

Clips, which optimize system installation time, are another option available on the market for the manufacturer's modules.
Energia solar Canal Solar DAH Solar homologa grampos da ARaymond para painéis full-screen
PowAR™ Slot Clamp. Image: ARaymond/Disclosure

A DAH Solar approved the ARaymond to provide the Bobby pins PowAR Snap® S+, PowAR™Slot and PowAR Wing Cinch™ to the full-screen photovoltaic modules from the manufacturer.

With the agreement, which focuses on innovation and technological development in the solar energy market, DAH panels gain one more option in fixation. “It is a partnership between recognized brands in the sector”.

“DAH Solar is a company that invests in technology, with full-screen as one of its patented products, and we are a traditional company in the automotive sector, expanding into other segments such as renewable energy. We have 157 years of history and we are really focused on assembly solutions, agility and simplicity in application”, he highlighted. Alexander Pircher, CEO of ARaymond.

“We found a great synergy at ARaymond due to the vocation for innovation present in both companies. Our partnership highlights how DAH and ARaymond are focused on developing solutions that solve real, everyday problems for our customers,” he said. Felipe Santos, LATAM Sales Director at DAH Solar.

Advantages of technologies

DAH Solar's full-screen panels have self-cleaning capabilities, which is possible because they do not have a visible frame on the front, which prevents the accumulation of dirt on the edges and reduces the risk of hot spots.

In 2022, TÜV Nord published a comparative field test report between 460 W DAH modules – a single-facial panel with full-screen technology and the other half-cell with mono-PERC technology, both with the same dimensions of 1910 x 1134 x 32mm.

The results showed that the power generation of the full-screen compared to the conventional half-cell mono-PERC model was 11.5% higher. This generation gain advantage is characterized by the lower amount of dirt that full-screen models present compared to others, mainly due to the structure of the panel without a front frame, which favors the natural washing of the plates by rainwater.

ARaymond clips, which are compatible with such DAH models, fix modules to fixed structures, such as trackers and roofs, for example. They have the advantage of fixing and grounding in a single operation, as well as optimizing plate installation in less than 30 seconds – without electrical tools – and being torque-free maintenance.

In addition to the corrosion classification of ARaymond clamps being C4, the DAH module structure has a special treatment called anodizing, ensuring greater durability and useful life of the metal structure.

Origin of the partnership

In an exclusive interview with Solar Channel, Pircher explained that the partnership with DAH Solar originated through another agreement, this one with Port Trade. “They advise us on the commercial side.”

“This collaboration is part of our DNA, of always having good companies so that we can bring more maturity to the market, and they brought this DAH Solar case. We analyzed and saw that our products would greatly complement their offer. In fact, we already have projects underway, such as one with a fixed structure that should be completed in mid-February”, said the executive.

 Alexander Pircher, CEO da ARaymond. Imagem: Canal Solar
Alexander Pircher, CEO of ARaymond. Image: Canal Solar

Other advantages of staples

The ARaymond CEO also highlighted that the clamps they make available to the photovoltaic market have an anti-theft system, as this makes it difficult to remove the modules.

“When using screw nuts, clamps, you can simply dismantle the panel with tools purchased at any store. In our case, it is necessary to use special tools to be able to remove them, which consequently makes any theft of modules difficult”, he highlighted.

According to him, the company is also preparing tests at Unicamp, with manufacturers of fixed structures and roof solutions, to show the benefits that the products offer.

“We follow the standards that module manufacturers have to carry out static and dynamic testing, which is not always done. We currently see several installations with many problems. We cannot forget that an installation is for 25, 30 years, so we need to guarantee this durability”, he pointed out.

“An advantage of our system is that we do not use screw nuts, in which you have to, according to the manufacturer's manual, every six months or a year check the torque or retorque it. Therefore, we have this durability for more than 20 years without carrying out any maintenance on the panel fixing part”, added Alexander Pircher.

Assembly speed

Another point emphasized by the executive is the assembly speed that the PowAR Snap® S+, PowAR™Slot and PowAR Wing Cinch™ offer. “Normally, traditional systems take around three minutes to assemble a panel, and in our case it takes 10 to 30 seconds. So, the gain in efficiency is very big.”

“We recently had a 5 MW project in which the client, after completing a day of training, was able to assemble the module in 30 seconds”, he explained.

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Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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