ANEEL decision prevents distributors from canceling already approved DG projects

For ABSOLAR, the measure reinforces legal and regulatory security for Brazilians who decided to generate their own energy
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ANEEL Board of Directors. Photo: Disclosure

The decision of the ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), last Wednesday (22), which prevents electricity distributors from canceling or changing a current distributed generation connection budget without the consumer's consent, ratifies the maintenance of the rules defined by the Order 3,438 from STD/ANEEL and thus reinforces the legal security It is regulatory to Brazilians who decided to generate their own renewable energy and to companies that operate in the sector. 

The analysis is from ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association). In the entity's assessment, the decision of the Agency's Board of Directors, which denied the appeal by representatives of electricity distributors against Order 3438/2023, from STD (Superintendence for the Regulation of Electricity Transmission and Distribution Services), is a response clear to the numerous legal and regulatory non-compliances that have spread across the country in recent months on the part of concessionaires.   

“The deliberate non-compliance with Order 3438 represented more than R$ 6 billion in canceled budgets, demonstrating a profound disregard for regulation. And, with the ratification of ANEEL, consumers and the sector itself expect unrestricted compliance with distributed generation standards by distributors”, he comments Barbara Rubim, vice-president of ABSOLAR.  

“ABSOLAR will continue to monitor the issue closely to ensure the implementation of this decision, in order to preserve the consumer's right to generate their own renewable energy. It will also maintain monitoring in ANEEL's inspection areas so that punishments in cases of new non-compliance are exemplary”, he adds.

As reported by Canal Solar, O Order 3,438 from STD/ANEEL was published on September 18, 2023 in the DOU (Official Gazette of the Union).

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Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

12 Responses

  1. An investment in technology, with knowledge and wisdom, is urgently needed, from the beginning, that is, from DG, to Distribution, to Transition.
    Because in the current way, and the way it has been working, serious problems are occurring, that is, in the quality of the energy generated by the DGs, with the large fluctuations in the voltage generated, transmitted and distributed, as this has caused serious problems mainly for consumers, to DG, Transmission and Distribution, this is due to the production of a lower quality product, sometimes with low voltage, sometimes with high voltage.
    Therefore, an intelligent look, right investments, from the beginning of the generation to the final consumer.

  2. I am having difficulty approving an energy microgeneration project. The concessionaire claims flow reversal and does not approve the project, I have already tried 3 times and CEMIG denies them all. I would like a solution, have I thought about seeking legal advice?

  3. This Decision is of vital importance as it ensures that the various Companies that already operate in the Sector continue their activities, and customers have the Right to generate their Own ABSOLAR Energy… THROUGH ACTION….

  4. Hello
    Good morning, my name is Cícera Reges da Silva, RG,
    Consumer from Pernambuco, we had a DG micro generation project approved, shortly after the distributor NEOERGIA DE PERNAMBUCO sent emails with disapproval. We complained twice to ANEEL, but we were unsuccessful. We have our micro plant set up and ready to go.

  5. Good morning, I had a project to work together with the company HCC, to install a PHOTOVOLTAIC plant in Santa Maria RS, with 2.5 mega.
    RGEsul denied it, claiming it had no interest and was overloading the network. I was frustrated because I had big plans and never imagined that, as a futuristic project, it would be approved. Will it be possible to restore?

  6. It's simple . Soon the inventors of Solar Energy will have to create Volt Voltage sources for the door of Ongrid Inverters and thus do without the Electricity Utilities. That's all that's needed, an input reference source for the Solar Inverter, and Boooim, Goodbye Electricity Utilities. Hahahaha

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