Decree expands access to financing for energy efficiency projects

Incentive takes place in partnership with PotencializEE, which offers technical and financial support for the decarbonization of industries in SP
Decreto amplia acesso a financiamento para projetos de eficiência energética
Photo: Envato Elements

The Government of São Paulo signed the decree what regularize the FAAE (Guarantee Fund for the Development of Energy Efficiency in the State of São Paulo) and constitutes the State Energy Efficiency Guidance Council.

FAAE, linked to SEMIL (Secretariat of Environment, Infrastructure and Logistics), is a tool in the search for carbon neutrality in the state, which aims to requirements reduction for small and medium-sized companies in financing energy efficiency projects and modernization processes, in addition to cost reduction for the beneficiaries.

“With the regulation of this fund, we gave another important step to boost the decarbonization in São Paulo, reducing operational costs for small and medium-sized companies and promoting the generation of jobs and income”, says Natália Resende, Secretary of Environment, Infrastructure and Logistics.

Initially, FAAE's contribution is 8 million euros, raised together with GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation), aiming to cover financing in the context of PotencializEE (Program for Transformative Investments in Energy Efficiency in Industry). 

In total, this is an action with the potential to leverage around R$ 420 million in the Developer SP portfolio, linked to the SDE (Secretariat for Economic Development), responsible for managing the fund, to finance 425 projects.

By 2025, savings of more than 7 TWh in energy consumption are planned. PotencializEE seeks to reduce CO2 emissions by more than one million tons.

The next steps will be the conclusion of the FAAE management contract between Semil and Desenvolvimento SP and the approval of the fund's rules and procedures by the State Energy Efficiency Guidance Council.

“Although our energy matrix is one of the cleanest in Brazil, it is essential that we move the levers that encourage companies to develop their energy efficiency projects, in a policy divided with the market. São Paulo has all the conditions to lead this movement, which will result in efficient, balanced and more sustainable economic development”, says Jorge Lima, Secretary of Economic Development.

About PotencializEE 

PotencializEE is a Brazil-Germany cooperation program with financial support from the European decarbonization fund Mitigation Action Facility, which promotes energy efficiency in small and medium-sized industrial companies in the state of São Paulo. 

The initiative is led by the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy) and the MDIC (Ministry of Development, Industry and Commerce), coordinated with support from GIZ and executed in partnership with SENAI (National Industrial Learning Service).

Also partners are Desenvolvimento SP, BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development), FIESP (Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo), ABESCO (Brazilian Association of Energy Conservation Services Companies), Procel ( National Electric Energy Conservation Program) and EPE (Energy Research Company).

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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