Decree excludes the foreman's value from import tax

Proposal, authored by the Ministry of Economy, promotes better allocation of resources by the productive sector
3 minute(s) of reading
09-06-22-canal-solar-Decreto exclui do imposto de importação valor da capatazia
Decree brings positive impacts on the country's competitiveness and global trade flows. Credit: Envato Elements

It was published in the DOU (Official Gazette of the Union) this Wednesday (8) the Decree No. 11,090, which excludes from the calculation basis of the tax import (customs value), the cost of foremanship in national territory.

According to the ME (Ministry of Economy), this exclusion will allow the reduction of import costs, promoting a transversal commercial opening of the economy, with positive impacts on the country's competitiveness and integration into global trade flows.

For Daniella Marques, Special Secretary for Productivity and Competitiveness at the Ministry of Economy, the text signed by President Bolsonaro promotes a better allocation of resources by the productive sector. “Therefore, it supports the creation of a more efficient and competitive economy, and reaffirms the commitment to reducing the Brazil Cost,” he said.

Furthermore, the secretary stressed that “the reduction is horizontal for the entire economy, potentially reducing costs for consumers and companies located in Brazil, with a consequent impact on the country's competitiveness and, finally, is aligned with the government's guidelines to promote openness commercial".

The proposal, authored by the ME, changes item II of article 77 of Decree No. 6,759, of February 5, 2009.

Impact on the solar sector

O Solar Channel He heard from some distributors who commented on the importance of this decree for the photovoltaic market.

“Any cost reduction for the sector is very important as it helps us expand and accelerate access to technologies, which in addition to bringing savings to the customer, helps us to have a cleaner future”, reported the TenBrasil in note.

Bruno Reis, commercial director of Genyx, highlighted that the news of tax reductions comes at an excellent time for the segment, which suffers greatly from the increase in the Selic rate. “This reduction will be fully passed on to the consumer and will make us advance further in our search for renewable energy from a clean source, which is solar”, he commented.

Budgetary and financial impacts

According to a note from Center for Tax and Customs Studies of the Coordination of Economic-Tax and Customs Studies of the Federal Revenue, dated October 19, 2021, the budgetary and financial impacts arising from the proposal will cause an estimated impact for 2022 of R$ 461.37 million and R$ 685.63 million for 2023.

In fiscal terms, what does the decree mean?

According to the ME, the exclusion of supervisory costs is not subject to the conditions established in the Fiscal Responsibility Law, since the waiver is of a general nature and does not fall under the conditions for waiving revenue referred to in the law.

What is foremanship?

A foremanship is the activity of moving goods in facilities within the port, comprising receipt, checking, internal transport, opening of volumes for customs checking, handling, storage and delivery, as well as the loading and unloading of vessels, when carried out by port equipment, according to the new Ports Law.

Port facilities in Brazil

Brazil has 175 cargo port facilities, including ports and maritime terminals and waterway facilities. Total port movement in Brazil in 2021 was 89.207 million tons.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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