Deputies approve contracting of coal-fired thermoelectric plants by 2040

Measure is valid for plants installed in the south of Santa Catarina and goes against what the planet needs
Documento que prevê incentivos às termelétricas em Santa Catarina ainda precisa ser aprovado pelo Senado
The document approved by the Chamber will still be analyzed by the Senate. Photo: Envato Elements

The Chamber of Deputies approved, this Monday (13), a parliamentary amendment that extends the purchase of electrical energy from thermoelectric plants powered by mineral coal, in the south of the State of Santa Catarina, until the end of 2040. 

Authored by deputy Ricardo Guidi (PSD-SC), the proposal also provides for the Federal Government to extend, for 15 years, the contracts for the Jorge Lacerda Thermoelectric Complex (CTJL), starting in January 2025. The document still needs to be approved by the Senate. 

Basically, the measure makes Brazil guarantee the survival of fossil fuels – an extremely polluting source that is being abandoned across the planet because it is considered one of the main causes of global warming. 

The proposal approved in the Chamber, with votes against only Novo, still obliges energy purchase contracts to contain a fixed revenue sufficient to cover the costs associated with coal generation, including associated secondary costs, variable operational costs and adequate remuneration the cost of capital employed in the projects.

The deputy's amendment was added to PL 712 (Bill No. 712/19), which initially only provided for the transfer of resources from the CDE (Energy Development Account) to subsidize the tariffs of electricity consumers linked to distributors with their own market of less than 350 GWh/year.

Thermoelectric Complex

Located in the municipality of Capivari de Baixo, the Jorge Lacerda Thermoelectric Complex was designed by the Federal Government in the 1960s to use mineral coal from the southern region of Santa Catarina and provide the electrical system with a strategic reserve, especially in periods of poor rainfall.

The site consisted of seven generating groups, grouped into three plants: Jorge Lacerda A, with two generating units of 50 MW and two of 66 MW each, Jorge Lacerda B, with two units of 131 MW each and, Jorge Lacerda C, with a 363 MW generating unit, totaling 857 MW. Before the document was approved, the authorization to operate the space was valid until 2028.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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