Challenges and opportunities for the solar energy sector in 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic made the whole world change plans this year

When 2020 began, we were prepared for many challenges: increased demand for products and services, growth in the number of consumers, professionalization of service providers, among others.

The photovoltaic solar energy sector has been growing by leaps and bounds year after year, a huge stimulus for all companies to improve. However, the Covid-19 pandemic made the whole world change plans.

In Brazil, the months of April and May recorded an expected reduction in sales due to the necessary social isolation measures.

But gradually, and also due to the fact that the construction sector did not stop at any point, the market began to recover. In relation to 2019, there is very significant growth both in the market and for us, at Ecori.

The whole world, however, registered a mismatch between supply and demand, with a direct impact on the supply and supply chain. Demand was disordered in several countries. We should still feel the effects of this imbalance until April of next year.

Another challenge that was imposed is related to international logistics, which was – and still is – disorganized, with scarce space on ships and travel delays, with unplanned stops on the routes. In many cases, cargo now takes 40 days to arrive, instead of the expected 28 days.

Even in the face of these setbacks, according to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), in the first 10 months of this year we exceeded the installed power of 1,745 GW, which represents a growth of 57% over the same period in 2019.

Distributed generation of solar energy has just reached the 4 GW mark of installed power. A very relevant milestone for the sector, achieved four years ahead of schedule. With the sector growing, we also received the good news that for the first time Brazil is on the list of the 10 countries that generated the most jobs in the world in the photovoltaic solar energy market in 2019.

There were 43 thousand new jobs, according to a recent report from Irena (International Renewable Energy Agency). This leaves us in eighth position, ahead of traditional countries such as Germany and the United Kingdom.

This historic milestone reinforces our concern with the necessary professionalization of the sector so that we can grow even further, responsibly.

Therefore, certification for the person responsible for a photovoltaic solar energy company, from Totum Institute. It is, without a doubt, a first step towards making the photovoltaic solar energy market even more robust.

With this in mind, we created a training and incentive program to promote certification among professionals in the sector. I hope that in a short time we will be able to sell our products Ecori only for certified companies.

And in the near future, consumers who are already more concerned about sustainability will be able to take advantage even more of the potential that renewable energy sources have to offer.

Picture of Leandro Martins
Leandro Martins
President of Ecori Energia Solar, with extensive experience, reference in photovoltaic solar energy. Responsible for popularizing MLPE technology in Brazil, initially bringing the APsystems brand, and later, SolarEdge to the country. He has been operating in the international market since 1996 in various segments and has a degree in Foreign Trade from UNIBERO-SP.

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