Women's Day: stories that strengthen the Brazilian solar sector

Female participation in the market grew by 60% in the last five years, according to data from CAGED
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Dia da Mulher: histórias que fortalecem o setor solar brasileiro
Female participation in the solar energy market has grown every year. Photo: Oeste Energia/Disclosure

The importance of gender equality and the inclusion of women in the job market, in order to reduce differences between positions and salaries, is not new in Brazil.

Data published by CAGED (General Register of Employed and Unemployed), shows that female participation in the technology market grew by 60% in the last five years, going from 27.9 thousand women to 44.5 thousand in 2020. 

The data from the last update of the IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) on the participation of women in the renewable energy sector, showed that of the 11.5 million jobs created in the segment worldwide in 2019, around 32% were filled by female professionals.

In this sense, to mark International Women's Day, celebrated this Tuesday, March 8, 2022, the Solar Channel tell to women's story at different stages of formation within the photovoltaic solar energy sector in Brazil. 

Women's day in the solar sector

Marina Rosa 

Born in Porto Alegre (RS), Marina Rosa Silva found solar energy a purpose in life. Less than a year and a half ago, she and her husband opened GreenTech, a company that sells photovoltaic systems.

She says, however, that before making the decision, the couple even opened a TIM branch, which ended up not satisfying them professionally. “The problem was never the work, but the lack of purpose it generated in us. When you work too much and without purpose, you automatically don’t feel stimulated,” she said.

Marina Rosa Silva found a life purpose in solar energy. Photo: Personal archive

From then on, she decided to study and enter the photovoltaic sector, which, in 2021 alone, has already generated more than R$ 1 million in sales for her company. “We discovered a wonderful market that is on the rise and brings countless environmental and economic benefits to the country”, he highlighted. 

Marina further explained that one of the main challenges she faces is not sales, but dealing with the fact of being a woman in charge of a company's business.

“In the beginning it was more difficult, because you are more insecure about your business and your knowledge. But, to this day, it is a challenging environment, because many clients and professionals do not expect a woman to be in charge of a business, which forces us to have to know how to impose our knowledge even more and know how to maintain a firmer language”, he said. she. 

“In technical or commercial visits, for example, when you arrive at the location agreed with the client, it's actually funny, because you realize, as soon as you step out of the car, that he (client) is not waiting for a visit from a woman”, revealed. 

Despite the difficulties, Marina highlighted that she would never change her decision to open, with her husband, a company in which they are both partners. 

“The more we get involved with solar, the greater the passion. It's something very difficult to explain, because things are starting to make more sense in relation to the current moment and the latest environmental tragedies that have happened in our country, such as in Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. (…) Being able to do work that goes against these fatalities that we human beings cause, brings great joy,” she said. 

Mary Caroline

Electrical engineer Maria Caroline Cordeiro, 26 years old, started working in the solar energy sector just over six months ago. She began interning at the company Energy+, in September last year, when she was still attending college. 

Maria Caroline Cordeiro started working in the solar sector about six months ago. Photo: Personal archive.

Graduated at the end of last year, she was hired by the company in January 2022 and, even though she has just arrived, she already knows what she wants: to pursue a career in the photovoltaic sector. “I hope, more and more, to be able to specialize in the area. Even more so, because we (company) are starting to work with distributed microgeneration,” he said. 

“I am a woman who has enjoyed working in the research field since I was in college. Being able to apply what I learned and learn about new technologies is something that motivates me a lot. Furthermore, a point that also contributed a lot to my feeling is the fact that the company has an excellent work environment”, she highlighted. 

Regarding the presence of more and more women in the Brazilian solar energy market, Maria was emphatic in saying that she believes there is still much more space for everyone. “It’s still not as it should be. We have excellent professionals looking for an opportunity and I believe that little by little we will have more and more women working in the sector, which today still has a strong male predominance”, he commented. 

Neuza and Arieta 

Neuza de Almeida Oliveira and Arieta de Espírito Santo. Photo: Oeste Energia/Disclosure

In Cuiabá, in the capital of Mato Grosso, Neuza de Almeida Oliveira and Arieta de Espírito Santo, work as engineers at the company Oeste Solar. Neuza says that he began his career in the field after working as an electrician in other companies, while Arieta highlights that he has great expectations of growing within the photovoltaic market, due to the promotion of technology across the planet.

Neuza also explains that before venturing into the segment, he tried to prepare himself and take specialized courses. Today, she says she is passionate about the sector. “I like this work and we perform the same functions as our male colleagues”, he explains. 

“I hope to grow in the company and I advise other women who enjoy this service not to be prejudiced because there is no discrimination here, everyone works the same”, she highlighted.

Ariete, in turn, preferred to value not only the possibility of personal growth in the sector, but also that of other women. “This is not just an area for men. We, women, have conquered our space in the electrical area of the company. Let more women come and join us”, she highlights. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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