Gaucho Day: RS is the third state that produces the most solar energy in the country

Integrators from the region present projects that highlight the state’s productive capacity
Dia do Gaúcho: RS é o terceiro estado que mais produz energia solar no país
According to ANEEL, the photovoltaic source is present in 496 municipalities in the state

In addition to barbecue and chimarrão, Rio Grande do Sul is a reference in energy production through photovoltaic sources. RS is responsible for 12.17% of all installed capacity in solar DG (distributed generation), according to a survey carried out by Solar Channel based on data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

With 839,879.11 kW in installed solar DG power, the state occupies third place in the national ranking, behind São Paulo (870,351.96) and Minas Gerais (1,276,388.06). 

Also according to ANEEL, the photovoltaic source is present in 496 municipalities in the state, with more than 81 thousand photovoltaic systems generating credits for around 110 thousand UCs (Consumer Units).

“The demand for adoption of solar energy in the state is strong, both for homes, agriculture and industries. Consumers are understanding the moment of water crisis and embracing the economy and vision of sustainability”, says Tiago de Lima Rodrigues, commercial manager of the distributor and executor of photovoltaic projects Solar Tech Energia Solar in Caxias do Sul (RS).

The company was responsible for implementing a 7 MWp solar photovoltaic system in an ice factory, to supply energy for two ice machines and a cold room. The project used 162 450 W solar panels from the Risen brand and a 75 kW inverter from the Sofar brand.

sistema solar fotovoltaico de 7 MWp em uma fábrica de gelo
Photovoltaic solar system in an ice factory

For Taise Gross, owner of the sales, design and photovoltaic installation company Solar House, in the city of Igrejinha (RS), the success of solar energy in the state is a consequence of the increase in electricity tariffs.

“People are increasingly frightened by high prices and rising electricity bills. Demand is growing too much. In one week, the last one, I sold more than I sold in a month not long ago”, commented Taise.

Recently, she installed a residential solar system that generates energy for two homes on different plots of land. Ten 450 W modules from Jinko and a 5 kW inverter from Growatt were used in the project.

sistema solar residencial que gera energia  para duas residências em terrenos distintos.
Residential solar energy system in Igrejinha (RS)

The installation company Yes Energia Solar carried out a project for a solo plant for the São José seminary's own consumption, in Gravataí (RS). The plant used 270 340 W panels and a 74.4 kWp Solar Edge inverter.

usina solo para consumo próprio do seminário São José, em Gravataí (RS)
Solar plant for consumption at the São José seminar in Gravataí (RS)

“A solar energy system is not only attractive and profitable, but also brings returns on investment which, with the current cost of energy, is around three to three and a half years”, highlights Tiago Grazzini Fernandes, partner and commercial director of the company.

“The state’s volume increases every day, demand in recent months has increased significantly, it is likely that the year will end with more than twice as much installed in 2020. We imagine that RS will gain greater prominence on the national scene and will continue to be among the top positions”, he added.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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