Discussion on the proposed changes to RN 482 will have a new face-to-face meeting in São Paulo

This is the second face-to-face meeting to address the issue, the first was held in Brasília-DF

Discussion about RNs 482 and 687

The National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) will hold a face-to-face meeting to discuss proposals to change Normative Resolutions 482 and 687, which establish the rules for distributed generation in the country. The session will take place in the city of São Paulo-SP on 03/14/2019, Thursday from 2:00 pm in the Salão Nobre of Espaço Club Homs.

This is the second face-to-face meeting to address the matter, the first was held in Brasília-DF on 02/21/2019. A third face-to-face meeting is also scheduled to take place in the city of Fortaleza-CE on 04/11/2019.

The focus of the debate is the energy compensation model for consumers who have distributed generators installed on their roofs and properties, which, according to the aforementioned resolutions, are obligatorily renewable in nature, generating energy from sunlight and wind power, for example. .

The current model involves proportional compensation of 1 to 1, that is, for every 1 kWh injected by the generator distributed on the public grid, the consumer unit receives the same 1 kWh in the form of credits for compensation.

The proposed change could impact this compensation proportion by approximately 28% to 49%, that is, for every 1 kWh injected, only 0.72 – 0.51 kWh would return to whoever generated the energy.

The position defended by electricity distributors is that the current model increases the cost of electricity for those who do not have distributed generation (according to values calculated by ANEEL last year, the impact on the cost of energy is in the order of 0.07%).

On the other hand, consumers who have generators distributed by renewable sources, represented by companies and associations in the sector, argue that distributed generation brings numerous benefits to society, such as preserving the environment, reducing CO emissions2, job creation, energy security, consumer empowerment, savings on electricity bills, among others. Furthermore, they point out that the premises adopted to justify the changes are not realistic and are biased towards benefiting the analysis defended by the energy distributors.

According to them, once again Brazil appears to be going against the grain of developed countries, which have increasingly invested in energy generation close to consumption centers with sustainable energy sources. Finally, they highlight that the discussion is premature, as distributed generation does not represent even 1% of all energy produced and consumed in the country, and that any change at this time could kill the growth of these important energy sources.

The public consultation will accept contributions from all sectors until 04/19/2019 and the in-person meeting next week will be another opportunity for arguments to be put on the table.

About the in-person meeting

City: São Paulo – SP

Address: Espaço CLUB HOMS, Salão Nobre, Avenida Paulista, 735 – Bela Vista

Accreditation hours: from 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm

Start time: 2:30 pm

Meeting date: 03/14/2019




Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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