Energy distributors promoted more than 20 tariff reviews in 2023

During a live broadcast on Canal Solar, professionals from Volt Robotics spoke about the influence of tariff processes on the electricity bill
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Distribuidoras promoveram mais de 20 revisões tarifárias em 2023
Photo: Freepik

A electricity bill of Brazilian consumers registered significant increases in 2023 and one of the factors that helped make residential bills more expensive were periodic tariff reviews practiced by electricity distributors.

In all, they were 21 tariff reviews carried out during the period, in a process that (unlike the tariff adjustment) occurs every four years and, normally, can considerably affect the value of the electricity bill. Find out more by clicking here.

This was just one of the analyzes promoted by professionals from the Volt Robotics during the live this Tuesday (23) of Solar Channel. The company specializes in the use of data science and intelligent systems to carry out studies and management analysis in the energy sector.

According to the company, the number of revisions carried out in 2023 helped to cause the value of the electricity bill to rise above inflation in certain states.

In six of them, the increase exceeded 10%, while the country's official inflation preview was 4.72%, according to calculations by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics).

O graph below illustrates the increase in price percentage of residential rates from some of the main distributors last year:


Photo: Volt Robotics/Reproduction

For 2024, Volt Robotics believes that increases in electricity bills will be slightly higher than in 2023, even with just five tariff review processes predicted to happen, since other factors must put pressure on the tariff.

With this, the average increase should again be above inflation. “Considering inflation, Brazil should see an increase in the value of the electricity bill of around 8% in 2024. If we discount inflation, we are talking about an average growth of 4.3%, which is not small”, said Claudio Elias Carvalho, tariff director at Volt Robotics.

According to the company, around 60 to 70% of the adjustments that will be made in 2024 should be between 4.5% and 10.5%. “Once again we will have very large variability between regions. The South region should be the one that will suffer a little more, with an adjustment of around 11%”, highlighted Carvalho.

Check out the full live broadcast from Canal Solar in partnership with Volt Robotics below. In addition to forecasts for the year, topics related to charges, bands, concession renewals and the impact of the electricity bill on businesses in the solar sector were also discussed, whether in the DG (distributed generation) segment, self-production or even in the market. Free Energy.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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