Photovoltaic kit distributors made more than R$ 7 billion in 2020

Greener's survey also showed that companies sold 3.5 GWp
12-02-2021-canal-solar-Distribuidoras faturam mais de R$ 7 bilhões em 2020
Greener estimates that in 2021 the photovoltaic distribution chain should serve a volume of more than 4.5 GW

According to a survey carried out by Greener, a consultancy and research company, 3.5 GWp was the volume sold in 2020 by 30 distributors of photovoltaic equipment in Brazil. The revenue of these companies reached R$ 7.4 billion in the period.

“I would like to highlight the research we carried out in an unprecedented way in the equipment distribution chain, fundamental for the DG (distributed generation) sector, as they carry out all the international logistics, purchasing the products, formatting the kits and supplying them to the customer final or integrator”, said Márcio Takata, director of Greener.

“This chain has more than 100 companies operating in Brazil. We interviewed the top 30, to get an overview of the country. We noticed an important relevance in terms of volume that the segment has, as well as a very significant revenue”, he reported. 

Among other highlights indicated by Greener are the number of employees dedicated to solar energy, which reached 1,984, and the average number of active distributor integrators, which is 39.8%. “This data consists of the ratio between the number of integrators who made at least one kit purchase and the number of integrators registered in the distributor database”, said the consultancy.

“It is a segment that is very optimistic for 2021 and with a significant acceleration in sales in general”, added Takata. Greener estimates that in 2021 the photovoltaic distribution chain should serve a volume of more than 4.5 GW.

“Restrictions in the module production chain affect the availability and cost of equipment on the world market, and should be felt in Brazil in 2021. The adequate balance between supply and demand will be key factors to support the sector’s growth”.

Other data

The research also identified 45% of the kits that were sold with bank financing. Furthermore, despite the strong increase in the use of digital channels in 2020, the channels that generated the most sales for integrators continue to be those linked to customer relationships (63.1%). 

About the search

The Greener survey was carried out with 30 companies from December 3, 2020 to January 19, 2021. The study included a sample of companies that together were responsible for importing 57% of photovoltaic equipment in 2020.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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