Is it possible to use FGTS to purchase a photovoltaic system?

Several bills are being processed in the Senate and Chamber of Deputies on the subject
É possível utilizar o FGTS para a compra de um sistema fotovoltaico?
There are several proposals that bring this possibility

For those who want to buy or build a house, the balance of the FGTS (Service Time Guarantee Fund) can be used to finance the loan, or even make the full payment for the asset.

With the increase in consumers seeking savings through solar energy, a question has been raised in WhatsApp groups and social networks: is it possible to use FGTS to purchase a photovoltaic system?

This issue began to be raised when a bill entered the Senate that seeks to amend Law 8,036/1990, determining the application of at least 1% of FGTS resources in credit operations intended for companies that use electrical energy through the source solar.

Currently, there are several bills, both in the Senate and in Chamber of Deputies, which aim to provide access to this resource to be used when purchasing or installing a photovoltaic system. However, this facility is still a distant reality, this is what Bárbara Rubim, vice-president of Distributed Generation) at ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association).

The lawyer states that there are several proposals that bring this possibility, but none of them were channeled for sanction by the president. “We have many bills being processed in the National Congress, whether in the Chamber of Deputies or the Federal Senate, bringing this possibility. As they progress very slowly, but progress and are followed in their committees, this will form”, highlights Bárbara.

The most viable way to use FGTS resources to purchase photovoltaic systems would be, according to an expert, by purchasing your own home. “If you put this system together, for example, with the purchase of your home, you will use the FGTS to pay for that home and the price of the system will often be included in the cost of the home.”

“This improvement would not just be for one person who uses it, but for those close to them, as it ends up being a form of sustainable energy, preventing the risk of survival”, he added.

Benefits with approval of the PL

Arthur Santini, director of Ecori Energia Solar, commented that one of the factors that could contribute to a better performance of companies in the solar sector, with the approval of a bill in this regard, is the increase in sales. “They will pay for cheaper electricity, as they will be able to generate their energy by not buying a distributor”, he highlighted.

“It would be a way to help turn the economy around, add more economic movement to society, generate jobs with these investments brought in, opportunities, savings and also sustainability, with a gain in reducing the economy, relief in water reservoirs”, highlighted Rodrigo Sauaia , CEO of ABSOLAR.

Therefore, for the executive, the approval of a bill with this objective will bring dynamism to the sector, guaranteeing the best sustainability practices and bringing improvements to companies using solar energy sources.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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