Ecori participates in the installation of a solar energy system

Implementation of the photovoltaic plant was in the community in Vale Encantado (RJ)
Ecori participa de instalação de sistema de energia solar no Vale Encantado (RJ)
In total, six 335 Wp BYD modules and three APsystems microinverters, 600 W each, were installed. Photo: Ecori

A Ecori, in partnership with the Solarize, participated in the implementation of a photovoltaic kit in the community of Vale Encantado (RJ). The company donated equipment, consultancy and training for the installation.

In total, six 335 Wp BYD modules and three APsystems microinverters, 600 W each, were installed.

According to the company, the solar energy system, in addition to being a renewable energy source, contributes to the livelihood and income of the local community.

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According to Raphael Marquez, from Ecori Energia Solar, microinverters from APsystems, model YC600-127V, were installed in a fully visible location so that visitors can understand how the system is connected and how it works.

“One concern was to ensure air circulation around the microinverters for the correct heat exchange of the equipment. As the place below the roof is completely open, cooling was guaranteed and visitors will be able to see the system in full operation that guarantees maximum individual energy production per module and electrical safety through MLPE technology”, explains Marquez.

Hans Rauschmayer, managing partner of Solarize, was already familiar with Vale Encantado. He says that the cooperative produces food and receives tourists for events or ecological walks and is the source of livelihood for families.

“We managed to include part of the budget for a photovoltaic energy system that will be the basis for the return and support of Cooperativa Vale Encantado’s activities”, says Rauschmayer.

For Marquez, photovoltaic solar energy brings several benefits to the community: “It was a great joy to be able to be together in this sustainable and important project, helping all the people involved in the installation and providing the necessary support to make it come to fruition”, he concludes.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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