Edmond launches new form of financing for rural producers

The company signs a partnership with Agropermuta and is expected to move between R$ 50 million and R$ 70 million in operations this year
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Edmond e Agropermuta lançam nova forma de financiamento para produtores rurais

Aiming to promote the solar energy market, fintechs Edmond and Agropermuta signed a partnership. The objective is to offer special financing conditions for rural producers interested in developing renewable energy projects.

With the agreement, Edmond will act as originator of the operation and Agropermuta will “frame” the credit and pass it on to its investors. 

The two companies estimate that this new form of financing will generate between R$ 50 million and R$ 70 million in operations by the end of the year. 

Initially, average project tickets are expected from 100 kWp to 500 kWp and, with the increase in operations, the expectation is that the product will have the structure for larger projects from 1 MWp to 5 MWp by the 4th quarter of 2021.

“Edmond operates with an emphasis on sustainable development, adopting practices within the concept of Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG). In this way, it enables access to the production of clean and sustainable energy, through the implementation of photovoltaic solar plants for rural producers, funded by their own future crops through the issuance of a Financial Rural Product Certificate (CPR-F), to be paid in annual installments over 3 years”, highlights Jackson Chirollo, CEO of Edmond.

The photovoltaic energy projects will be implemented together with partner integrators and all of these projects will be registered by Edmond on the international REC Standard platform, being classified as energy generators from renewable sources. 

I-RECs certificates will be issued, which will make it possible to prove the origin of energy to reduce carbon emissions resulting from electricity consumption, which is one of the requirements to classify projects as sustainable operations, facilitating access to the best rural credit options that will be available in accordance with open banking principles. 

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These are also essential premises for receiving certifications, seals on ESG criteria and even allowing the issuance of green bonds.

Chirollo also highlights that renewable energy offers enormous advantages to agribusiness, regardless of the crop planted, since electricity consumption in this sector is high. “Edmond’s mission is to enable the use of large territorial extensions in conjunction with strong solar exposure, resulting in great financial benefits for producers”, he highlights.

“As a result, we reorganized the value chain to develop a product that offers long-term opportunities for those interested in investing in photovoltaic equipment in the field”, says Alex Kalef, executive director of Agropermuta. 

With the new solution, rural producers – who have between one thousand and seven thousand hectares of productive area – will be able to implement a photovoltaic plant on their property and pay with their own production, in just three annual installments. “From now on, rural producers will have a 12-month grace period between each installment (not linked to any index, such as IPCA/CDI), maintaining positive cash flow.”

In addition, interested parties will have all the insurance guarantees that Edmond offers, Agricultural Rural Financial Product Certificate (CPR-F) and credit release within a maximum of 40 days. 

“This product reaches the market to help rural producers explore the capital market as a source of development. We provide a more balanced option for rural producers who, although they have access to more traditional financing, are usually bureaucratic and have incompatible rates and guarantees. Our business model came to solve this challenge, in addition to encouraging the use of sustainable equipment that brings benefits to the business and the planet”, concludes Kalef.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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