EDP aims to accelerate adoption of electric vehicles in cities

Portuguese company signed a memorandum of intent with Zebra
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Promote an increasingly clean and sustainable future with the adoption of EVs (electric vehicles). This is EDP's goal, which signed a memorandum of intent with Zebra (acronym in English for Zero Emission Vehicle Development Accelerator). The initiative is a partnership between C40 Cities, a network that connects 96 of the world's main cities committed to promoting climate action to create a more sustainable future, and ICCT (International Council on Clean Transport), an independent, non-profit organization founded to provide governments and environmental regulators with technical research and analysis. According to the company, the objective is to accelerate the adoption of electric buses in cities, coordinating conversations with government, financial entities, operators and companies interested in investing in this market. In total, EDP has already invested around R$ 11 million in initiatives aimed at the electric bus market. “Electric mobility is one of the pillars of our strategy. We see in it the real possibility of contributing to more sustainable cities, with fewer CO² emissions, and that help control the planet's temperature. This memorandum of intent reinforces our commitment to leading the energy transition, in addition to expanding the space for electric buses in metropolises”, highlighted Nuno Pinto, head of Electric Mobility and B2C Business at EDP in Brazil. At a global level, the company is committed to electrifying 100% of its fleet by 2030, as well as developing new offers and commercial solutions that promote the energy transition.

Embraer announces 1st electric plane flight for 2021

Embraer and EDP Smart, a division that brings together the portfolio of energy solutions from the Portuguese company EDP, have signed a partnership that promises to revolutionize the mobility sector in Brazil. This is because both announced that the first flight of an electric plane prototype with 100% electric propulsion technology.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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