Electric stations grow 50% in four months in Brazil

Study shows that the total number of charging points jumped from 500 in March to 754 in July
Eletropostos crescem 50% em quatro meses no Brasil
Increase in charging points highlights the growth of the Brazilian electromobility market

The total number of public and semi-public charging stations in Brazil jumped from around 500 points in March 2021 to 754 in July, of which 735 are in operation.

This is what a survey carried out by Tupinambá Energia, commissioned by ABVE (Brazilian Electric Vehicle Association). These numbers indicate growth of 50% in just four months.

According to Davi Bertoncello, director of Infrastructure at ABVE and CEO of Tupinambá, the study shows that the supply of charging points has evolved in line with the growth of the Brazilian charging market. electromobility.

According to the research, most of this equipment is up to 7.4 kW, due to the electrical infrastructure of the properties.

However, the number of 11 kW and 22 kW stations has grown, due to the registration of more cars that operate these loads using alternating current.


In March 2021, the approximately 500 charging stations identified by Tupinambá/ABVE were distributed as follows by state:

  • São Paulo: 49, 31% of the total;
  • Santa Catarina: 11,03%;
  • Rio de Janeiro: 9,31%;
  • Paraná: 7,93%;
  • Federal District: 7,59%;
  • Minas Gerais: 6,21%;
  • Espírito Santo: 2,76%;
  • Rio Grande do Sul: 2.07%;
  • Pernambuco: 1.72%;
  • Goiás: 1.03%;
  • Bahia: 0.34%;
  • Mato Grosso: 0.34%;
  • Mato Grosso do Sul: 0.34%.

Public charging stations are those installed in parks, streets and squares. Semi-public are those in shopping malls, private parking areas, cafeteria chains, gas stations, etc. In other words, private establishments with free access for any electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle.

The numbers do not include charging points in private residential or commercial condominiums or those installed in car dealerships that only service vehicles of their brands.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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