In a speech at the Climate Leaders Summit, Brazil highlights clean sources

President stated that the country has one of the cleanest energy matrices, with investments in renewable energy
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Em discurso na Cúpula de Líderes sobre o Clima, presidente destaca fontes limpas
Photo: Al Drago / Bloomberg

This Thursday (22) and Friday (23), leaders from several countries met at the Climate Leaders Summit, convened by the President of the United States, Joe Biden. 

The objective of the meeting held virtually was to debate the main climate measures that the world's largest economies plan to adopt in the coming years.

President Jair Bolsonaro participated in the meeting, via videoconference from Palácio do Planalto, on Thursday morning and began his speech by highlighting that Brazil 'has the greatest biodiversity on the planet and an agro-environmental power and is at the forefront of combating global warming' .

Furthermore, he stated that the burning of fuels is the negative factor that most affects the environment. “When discussing climate change, we cannot forget the main cause of the problem: the burning of fossil fuels over the last two centuries,” he said.

He also highlighted the participation of clean sources in the Brazilian energy matrix. “At present, we account for less than 3% of annual global emissions. We have one of the cleanest energy matrices, with renewed investments in solar, wind, hydraulic and biomass energy.”

Ambitious goal

During his speech, addressed to President Biden, Bolsonaro stated that he determined that Brazil's climate neutrality be achieved by 2050, bringing forward the previous signal by 10 years.

“Among the measures necessary to achieve this, I highlight here the commitment to eliminate illegal deforestation by 2030, with the full and prompt application of our Forest Code. With this, we will reduce our emissions by almost 50% by that date”, he said.

Recognizing that it will be a complex task, Bolsonaro highlighted that command and control measures are vital to achieving this goal. “Despite the Government’s budgetary limitations, I determined to strengthen environmental agencies, doubling the resources allocated to inspection actions.”

Before ending his speech, Bolsonaro also stated that “in view of the magnitude of the obstacles, including financial ones, it is essential to be able to count on the contribution of countries, companies, entities and people willing to act in an immediate, real and constructive way to solve these problems” .

Check out the president's speech

Photo: Al Drago/Bloomberg

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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