Company will invest R$ 40 million to install solar plants in Piauí

The government itself saw that the implementation of this model would bring immediate savings
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Piauí will increase its installed solar energy capacity. This is because the Pernambuco company GM Gestão em Engenharia will implement a photovoltaic system to supply public buildings in the State through a PPP (Public-Private Partnership).

According to the company, the concession will be valid for 25 years for the operation, maintenance and management of two 5 MWp solar plants. In total, the investment will be R$ 40 million.

“The government itself saw that the implementation of this model would bring immediate savings of 20% on the electricity bills of public bodies”, highlighted Guilherme Gondim, commercial director at GM Gestão em Engenharia. “In addition, the plants will be responsible for generating around 60 direct jobs,” he added.

“This PPP model is very advantageous and will become a reference in Brazil. In fact, some bodies are already studying the implementation of PPPs, such as the city of São Paulo, through the Health department, which has already launched a public hearing”, highlighted the executive.

Murilo Gondim, the company's technical director, also highlighted that the Public-Private Partnership will promote savings and sustainability.

“The PPP is based on the resolution of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency). The Northeast has a very good rate of solar radiation and through compensation for the energy generated, the credit will be deducted from the energy distributor in Piauí”, he concluded.

Solar DG Ranking

According to ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy), the state of Piauí appears in 14th place in the state ranking of photovoltaic DG (distributed generation) with 70.7 MW of power.

Firstly, the survey pointed out the State of Minas Gerais, with 736.9 MW, followed by Rio Grande do Sul, with 436.9 MW, and São Paulo, 462.8 MW.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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