Italian company intends to install panel factory for floating plants in MG

With the installation of the project, F2B expects to generate up to 700 direct and indirect jobs
12-09-23-canal-solar-Empresa italiana pretende instalar fábrica de painéis para usinas flutuantes em MG
Meeting of the Government of Minas Gerais held in Italy. Photo: Aluísio Eduardo / Imprensa MG

The entourage of Government of Minas Gerais on an official mission to Italy met, this Monday (11), with two companies with intentions of investment in the state. If implemented, the contributions could contribute to the creation of more than a thousand jobs.

One of the companies that intend to invest is Italian F2B, which showed interest in installing a factory from solar panels to floating plants. The group, which is from Ímola, Italy, has been operating in the state since 2021, and has units in Grão Mogol, in the North of Minas, and also in Itamonte, in the South of the state.

With the installation of the factory, F2B expects to generate up to 700 direct and indirect jobs throughout the entire chain, from production to installation. Orestes Gonçalo Júnior, company representative, said that companies from Minas Gerais have already contacted him interested in purchasing the product.

“We already have some agricultural industries in Unaí that approached us to install a floating solar plant in their irrigation dams. Therefore, there is a huge growth that should increase in the coming years, mainly due to the fact that solar energy is an energy that you can take anywhere”, he highlighted.

“With the installation of the factory, we should attract approximately 80 more employees. But, with the installation area, we can reach 700 jobs, as our idea is to train professionals throughout the state”, he explained.

Prysmian Group

Another company that aims to invest in Minas is the Italian Prysmian Group, specialized in the manufacture of cables and systems for energy and telecommunications. The company has already confirmed an expansion of its unit in Poços de Caldas, about to be opened. This will bring up to 600 employees working at the site.

João Carro Aderaldo, business CCO at Prysmian, explained that they already invest in the state and intend to expand this relationship. “Our contributions in the state have already exceeded R$ 120 million in recent years, at the Poços de Caldas unit”.

“This year, in Minas Gerais alone, there were almost R$ 30 million, the main investment being in the production line for 138 thousand volt insulated cables, which will be the only plant in Brazil with the capacity to produce this type of cable, and one of the few in South America”, he said.

The company still expects to invest more in expansions, due to the contribution of R$ 42.2 billion from Cemig, until 2027, in the modernization and expansion of the state's electricity network.

Reynaldo Passanezi, president of Cemig, said that, with this investment, the company can be a driver of the development of Minas. “Cemig is very proud to say that it is carrying out the largest investment program in the company’s history, perhaps one of the largest in the Brazilian electricity sector in infrastructure.”

“This will generate a lot of opportunities. We are going to build 30 thousand kilometers of three-phase network, which represents 100 thousand kilometers of cables. Additionally, we are installing 1.5 million smart meters and 450,000 streetlights. All of this represents opportunities for those who want to come and produce in Minas. This is Cemig’s purpose”, he stated.

Importance of contributions to MG

For Governor Romeu Zema, the attraction of new technologies in the energy area, for example, could reinforce the growth of Minas Gerais in the prominent position it already occupies nationally.

“We have a company that will expand its production capacity by bringing a new technology to Brazil, which is the covering of high voltage cables with a resin, making them more efficient and able to transport more energy”, he commented.

“In relation to floating panels, it is worth remembering that, with this production, Minas will also become the state that will meet the demand for this equipment throughout the country. This way, everyone is winning, especially the miners”, he emphasized.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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