Businessmen create Scientific and Technological Foundation in Renewable Energy in favor of the energy matrix

With the aim of supporting projects in the production and generation of renewable energy to improve the population’s quality of life
Empresários criam Fundação Científica e Tecnológica em Energias Renováveis em prol da matriz energética

Promote the production and generation of renewable energy through research, development and innovation to improve the population's quality of life, contributing to the new energy matrix.

This is the mission of FCTER (Scientific and Technological Foundation in Renewable Energies), which is supported by the photovoltaic equipment distributor Renovigi.

The foundation, created in 2013, had the support of businesspeople and the community who shared concerns about the Brazilian and global energy matrix.

“This energy change at a global level is irreversible, I believe without a doubt that this is the present and will be the future”, highlights Djalma Velho de Azevedo, president of FCTER.

“The Scientific and Technological Foundation in Renewable Energies was the first look for businesspeople concerned with the Brazilian and global energy matrix,” adds Gustavo Müller Martins, president of the Board of Directors and CEO of Renovigi.

The businessman also recognizes the importance of representative entities in this trajectory, such as ACIC (Commercial and Industrial Association of Chapecó) which had and still has efforts dedicated to the foundation and stands out as being at the forefront, with a position to benefit society's rights.

Currently, FCTER has several professionals who aim at development through sustainability. Among them, biologist Luciana Maldaner, who left the classroom to take charge of the foundation's coordination.

“I received an invitation from our first president, Santiago Ibara. We talked and as soon as I read the history and saw the proposal, values and objectives, I was enchanted. FCTER has a purpose and I would really like people to look at it as a service provider. I see its potential, which still has a lot to be explored.”

Luciana also adds the “desire for it to be a reference for social contribution, as an entity for training and encouraging the development of projects.”

The activities developed by FCTER include projects with the participation of educational institutions, courses, workshops, national and international seminars, as well as partnerships with Sebrae focused on small businesses through Sebrae TEC.

They also include actions in cooperatives, such as Aurora Alimentos with training for linked farmers, the IPTU Verde which institutes discounts on the tax value and other projects that are under development, such as for the correct treatment of solid waste.

FCTER was established by Uceff Faculdades, Unoesc, Unochapecó, Thiago Dávi Arquitetura, Fluxo Eletrônica Industrial, Zagonel, Cetric, Fibratec, Uniarp and Nord Eletric.

More information about FCTER can be obtained by calling (49) 2020-0067 or on the website

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Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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