Minas Gerais companies will be able to prove clean energy consumption

Cemig SIM REC recognizes environmental attributes through the traceability of solar energy generated
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07-10-22-canal-solar-Empresas mineiras poderão comprovar consumo de energia limpa
SIM customers are certified with Cemig SIM REC. Photo: Cemig/Disclosure

A Cemig YES – a Cemig Group company that operates in the subscription solar energy market – launched the Cemig SIM Renewable Energy Certificate, or Cemig SIM REC: title that ratifies environmental attributes of enterprises and institutions, through 100% clean energy source traceability and renewable.

The certification, which can be requested digitally and free of charge, is audited and safe, in addition to ratifying the conduct of companies in the most varied niches in the execution of environmentally correct practices, relating to the generation and consumption of energy coming from SIM's solar farms, installed in 14 municipalities in Minas Gerais.

“The title represents value for all certified organizations, especially for those that are committed to the ESG agenda, since traceability makes it possible to eliminate CO2 emissions linked to energy consumption”, highlighted Danilo Gusmão, president of SIM.

According to the company, SIM's solar energy generation has prevented more than 25 thousand tons of CO2 from being emitted into the atmosphere since the start of operations in 2019.

Gusmão reinforced that sustainable certification is a reality practiced by global companies, in addition to configuring a market requirement, based on the expansion of environmental policies for all segments and productive sectors.

“Data from the International Energy Agency reveals that CO2 emissions from the energy sector, in 2021, increased by 6%, with a volume of 36.6 billion tons, exceeding historical emissions levels,” he said.

“Photovoltaic energy plays a decisive role in minimizing the scenario and Cemig SIM REC is a guarantee offered to our customers so that they can attest, together with civil society, to their commitment to a more conscious and responsible world”, highlighted the executive.


Cemig SIM REC (renewable Energy Certificate) was created so that the SIM client can demonstrate, to the target audience and other stakeholders of the projects, how brands position themselves in relation to the execution of environmentally correct practices, related to generation and consumption of solar energy.

The certification criteria follow the premises of the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program (PBGHG – GreenHouse Gases), created in 2008, which defines the calculation tools for estimating greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the group, with Cemig SIM REC, SIM base companies that have at least 12 months of clean energy generation will be on the same list as large companies globally recognized for sustainable initiatives.

Based on the traceability of the energy generated, the customer receives a document that proves that the origin of this energy comes from a clean and renewable source, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases and minimizing the impacts of climate change.

About Cemig SIM

Created in 2019, Cemig SIM operates in the subscription solar energy market, with plans aimed at both homes and smaller companies and industries, which fall under microgeneration or mini-energy consumption.

With almost three years of operation, the company has more than 6 thousand customers and 21 solar plants in 14 municipalities in Minas Gerais. In 2021, it recorded 41% growth in its customer base, providing its base with a reduction of more than R$ 38 million in energy tariffs.

This year, the increase in the number of customers is already 16%. The company's strategic plan foresees R$ 1 billion invested by 2025.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.
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