Affordable and clean energy: what is it?

Little by little we are encouraging the growth and evolution of more modern energy generation systems
Aos poucos estamos incentivando o crescimento e evolução de sistemas mais modernos de geração de energia
Photo: Freepik

The idea of having affordable energy involves the point that everyone, regardless of location or financial condition, should have access to it.

Furthermore, to be a clean energy source, it must not result in any type of pollution or environmental degradation. Therefore, an affordable and clean energy source that is closest to becoming a reality for Brazilians is solar photovoltaics.

Economy and sustainability

Sustainable energies are those generated through a renewable source that does not pollute the environment.

Every year the technologies to exploit this type of energy have been improved, making these energies increasingly advantageous and cheaper for those who wish to use them.

A clear example of this type of energy, which is becoming more accessible and cleaner every day, is solar energy. A photovoltaic solar system a few years ago was very expensive, and at the time it was not as publicized and known by the population. But this reality today is different.

The sector of photovoltaic solar energy received a lot of investment in research and equipment manufacturing. This improved the efficiency of the systems and reduced the costs for assembling a solar photovoltaic system.

Therefore, even though the 100% energy source is not yet accessible to everyone, it is the one that is moving the fastest towards becoming one. After all, there are no restrictions on the use of solar energy, a photovoltaic solar system can be installed and used anywhere in the country.

The government has been creating initiatives and subsidies so that access to financing for installations of photovoltaic solar energy systems is democratized. This is a huge step towards energy sustainability and environmental recovery.

Accessibility to a power source

When you look at the current energy generation scenario, you realize that what drives the country are hydroelectric plants.

The problem is that this type of energy requires a large distribution network, which generates many costs and even greater challenges to “take” the energy generated in a hydroelectric plant to more distant parts of the country.

This fact makes Many families in Brazil still do not have access to electricity. It's difficult for you to imagine your life without energy, but in the Amazon alone around 425 thousand families suffer from this reality.

Now imagine a scenario in which all these families could generate their own energy and store whatever is produced in excess throughout the day in batteries for later use.

Well, it seems like a dream to no longer depend on huge distribution networks, blackouts, high electricity bills and many other problems. But this is an increasingly present reality.

Unfortunately, we are still far from the reality we seek for affordable and clean energy in our country, but we are on the right path.

Benefits of an affordable and clean energy source

Adopting the use of this type of energy sources generates a range of benefits and a more promising future for future generations:

  • Sustainability;
  • Reduction of inequality;
  • Economy;
  • Tecnologic innovation.


The use of accessible and clean energy sources contributes to the sustainability of the planet. This way, you reduce dependence on fossil fuels, conserving the environment and delaying or ending extreme climate change.

Reducing inequality

By ensuring that more families have access to electricity, regardless of where they live or their financial condition, we will be contributing to the development of that family. Energy creates many possibilities for any family.


The use of energy such as solar and wind, for example, generates great savings on electricity bills.

In the long term, the investment in a photovoltaic solar system pays for itself in a very short time, making it one of the best current investments. In some cases, yielding more than an investment in CBD, for example.

Tecnologic innovation

Major research and investments in the renewable energy sector have shown us great results and rapid developments.

This has not only reduced the costs of affordable and clean energy generation systems, but has also democratized and facilitated access to them for a large part of the population.

Challenges to overcome

However, the change to using these energy sources is still a process that will require time and cultural changes in thinking and customs. This is undoubtedly the biggest challenge, changing the way things have been done for centuries.

Furthermore, large energy distributors will not facilitate this process. Currently the most used type of photovoltaic solar energy generation system is On Grid.

This type of system still depends on the distribution networks of large utilities to “load the energy generated” because without the use of a storage system it is necessary to dispatch excess energy generation, and this is done by injecting the energy into the distribution network. .

As a result, large electricity concessionaires, such as CEMIG in Minas Gerais, for example, have denied most requests for authorization to install photovoltaic systems, citing overload on the network.

This is an important factor that has to be changed and evolved to move towards the future towards affordable and clean energy sources.


Throughout this article you could see the great importance of seeking an affordable and clean source of energy. This importance is directly linked to the preservation of our environment and also to the financial savings of families.

Therefore, achieving an affordable and clean 100% energy source must be our commitment to the future and future generations. By adopting renewable energy sources, we make energy increasingly accessible to everyone.

Little by little we are encouraging the growth and evolution of more modern energy generation systems.

Furthermore, the savings generated by systems like this have a great impact on many families. There are many devices that consume a lot of energy and which, with climate change, are being used more and more.

An example of this is air conditioning, which consumes a lot of energy, but which constant heat waves force us to use more and more.

The opinions and information expressed are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of Canal Solar.

Picture of Grupo E4 Energias Renováveis
E4 Renewable Energy Group
The E4 Energias Renováveis Group aims to professionalize the photovoltaic sector in Brazil. Founded by three electrical engineers and photovoltaic integrators, today they offer training, courses and the most used solar CRM in the sector in addition to free content on YouTube and Instagram

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