Solar energy reaches 29 GW of operational capacity in Brazil

National market totals 20,469 GW and 8,534 GW of distributed and centralized generation, respectively
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Energia solar atinge 29 GW de capacidade operacional no Brasil
Photo: Freepik

A solar energy this Tuesday morning (4), surpassed the mark of 29GW in operational capacity in Brazil, according to data accounted for by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

In total, the national photovoltaic market has exactly 20,469 GW originating of GD systems (distributed generation) and others 8,534 GW from GC plants (centralized generation).

It is a volume of power almost twice as high than in relation to the same period last year, when there were only 15 GW in the country.  

By the end of the year, the expectation of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy) is for Brazil to exceed 34 GW, with at least 21.6 GW through its own generation systems and 12.4 GW from large plants.

Distributed generation

Currently, Brazil has more than 1.89 million photovoltaic systems installed in the distributed generation segment. Of total, more than 242 thousand were implemented in 2023 alone, according to ANEEL.

Furthermore, of the 5,570 municipalities cataloged by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), only 38 do not have at least one solar energy system installed in homes, commercial establishments and the like.

Centralized generation

The GC segment, in addition to having 8.394 GW of power in operation, also adds another 103.9 GW expected to enter commercial operation. Of this amount, 5.95 GW are from projects with construction started and another 97.9 GW from projects with construction not yet started. 

Expressive marks

According to a study by IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency), Brazil ended 2022 in 8th place in the world ranking of solar energy generation, entering the top ten for the first time in history, with more than 24 GW of operational capacity by December 31, 2022. 

At the end of April, another survey, this time of IEA (International Energy Agency), showed another relevant data: the Brazil was the fourth country that added the most solar energy in the world in 2022, with 9.9 GW of power between the months of January and December, second only to China (106 GW); from the United States (18.6 GW) and India (18.1 GW). 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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