Solar energy attracts more and more consumers who trade on Mercado Livre

The free energy market continues to grow even amid the pandemic
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Solar energy is increasingly attracting the attention of free and special consumers who negotiate in the ACL (Free Contracting Environment). This is the analysis of Bernardo Marangon, specialist in electricity markets and director of Exata Energia.

“Exata also has a presence in the free market and what we are seeing is an increase in consumer interest in photovoltaic energy projects. We serve generators and consumers who would like to generate their own energy, and the number of studies and diagnoses we have carried out has increased considerably. We believe that this type of project will make more and more sense, given that the downward trend in the value of investment is expected to continue”, explained Marangon.

According to the expert, these consumers can become self-producers of energy and obtain benefits in the distribution tariff. “The return on a photovoltaic system on the free market has been, in some cases, comparable to the return on distributed generation projects”, he concluded.

According to the CCEE (Electricity Trading Chamber), between January and May, 718 consumers migrated to the ACL, 668 of which were special and 50 free.

Mercado Livre de Energia

The free energy market continues to grow even in the midst of the pandemic. CCEE recorded, by the end of May, that 7,689 consumers were qualified to negotiate energy, which represents an increase of 23% compared to the same period in 2019.

CCEE also points out that, from December to May, there was an increase of 8% in the number of agents. In the last month alone, 140 agents joined the CCEE, 126 of which were special consumers and eight were free, in addition to ten new traders and 26 plants classified as independent energy producers.

Considering the percentage of migration by submarket, the Southeast/Central-West registered 59% of additions. Currently, 1,019 CCEE adhesion processes are underway, 765 of which are new special consumers.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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