Solar energy attracts investments from the Public Power and grows 40% in Brazil

ANEEL data show that, between January and November this year, 19 MW were installed in public buildings
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The Public Power continues to invest more and more in photovoltaic solar energy. This is what data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) showed.

According to the agency, from January to November this year, 19 MW of power were installed in public buildings, an increase of approximately 40% compared to the 13.5 MW registered in the same period in 2019.

“This growth happened in all branches of the economy, and in public buildings it would be no different,” said Guilherme Susteras, coordinator of the distributed generation working group at ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy).

“In the case of this segment, there are very creative, very interesting modalities, such as, for example, public-private partnerships, which allow buildings to benefit from clean energy, with all its attributes of sustainability, cost predictability, economic development , promoting employment and income, without there being an initial investment from the government”, highlighted Susteras.

According to the expert, payments are made throughout the useful life of the equipment and, as a result, the government is able to provide relief to the public budget. “I think it has enormous potential for all sectors of the economy, from agribusiness to commerce, services, industry and public authorities. This expansion only strengthens distributed generation even more”, he concluded.


The state of Paraná was one of the governments that invested in solar this year. In 2021, 246 public buildings will produce their own electricity in the state. In total, photovoltaic systems will be installed in 208 municipal schools and other buildings in seven municipalities.

The MD (Ministry of Defense), located in Brasília (DF), also decided to invest in an energy efficiency project and achieved monthly savings of 40% on the electricity bill. The investment was R$ 2.4 million and the estimated payback is six years.

The TRE (Regional Electoral Court) of Mato Grosso do Sul was also not left out. A 169 kW photovoltaic plant in its ballot box warehouse.

This is the ninth plant installed by TRE-MS. The municipalities of Campo Grande, Nioaque, Ribas do Rio Pardo, São Gabriel D'Oeste, Aparecido do Taboado, Paranaíba and Chapadão do Sul already have this technology in their locations. Together, these cities have 630 KWp of installed power, generating savings of around R$ 750 thousand per year.

Southeast leads regional expansion

The ANEEL survey also showed that the Southeast region leads the number of installed power in public buildings with 7.5 MW, an increase of 25% in relation to the 6 MW recorded in the first 11 months of 2019. In second place is the Northeast region , with 5 MW, followed by Central-West, with 3.5 MW.

MG leads state growth

The agency's data also indicated that Minas Gerais appears in the first position in the ranking as the state that used solar energy the most in public bodies from January to November 2020.

In total, the state of Minas Gerais obtained 4.5 MW of power, an increase of almost 300% compared to around 1 MW in the same period last year. Next, the state of Mato Grosso appears with 2 MW and Ceará with 1.9 MW.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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