Solar energy grows 100% in two years in Brazil

Operating power of the source increases from 4.59 GW to 9.18 GW between the months of June 2019 and 2021
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Brazil reached the mark of 9.18 GW of operational power, being 5,89 GW of DG (distributed generation) and 3,29 GW of GC (centralized generation).

The survey was carried out by ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy), based on data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) until June 10th. The study was released by the association this Tuesday (15).

This is an amount that represents twice the energy that had been recorded in the same period in 2019, when 4.59 GW was reached. At the time, the country computed 2.11 GW in DG and 2.47 GW in GC.  

Since 2012, the solar source has been directly responsible for the generation of more than 275 thousand jobs and investments in excess of R$ 48.5 billion in Brazil. As it is a clean and renewable energy source, the technology also prevented 9.9 million tons of toxic gases from being emitted into the atmosphere.

In comparison with the balance of last May 4th, there was an increase of 35 thousand new jobs and an increase of R$ 2.5 billion in investments. During this period, the sector also prevented Brazil from emitting 0.4 tons of pollutants on the planet.

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To date, Minas Gerais is the state that generated the most installed power in the country, with 1,053.1 MW. Next come São Paulo (740 MW) and Rio Grande do Sul (730.7 MW). On the other hand, Roraima (3.1 MW), Amapá (8.4 MW) and Acre (9.6 MW) present the worst performances among all federative units.

Distributed generation

In the DG segment, Brazil has more than 505.4 thousand solar photovoltaic systems connected to the grid, which brings savings and sustainability to more than 639.8 thousand consumer units.

Regarding the number of systems, residential consumers are at the top of the list, with 380,111 installations (75.2% of the total). Next come companies in the commerce and services sectors, with 76,660 (15.2%), and rural consumers, with 35,524 (7%).

Centralized generation

In the GC segment, the 3.29 GW of installed power in photovoltaic plants is equivalent to 1.8% of Brazil's total electrical matrix. Currently, large solar plants are the seventh largest source of generation in the country. The main one continues to be hydroelectric plants, with 59.4% of the Brazilian matrix.

According to the survey, the states of Minas Gerais, Bahia and Piauí are those that generated the most power granted from centralized generation. In Minas Gerais alone, for example, there are 6,610.5 MW, of which 537.1 MW are in operation, 628.5 MW under construction and 5,444.9 MW have not yet been started. 


Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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