Solar energy is the source with the highest growth forecast in the SIN

Installed solar GC capacity is expected to double by December 2027, exceeding 16 GW of power
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Solar é a fonte com maior previsão de crescimento na matriz elétrica.
Solar GC should exceed 16 GW of installed capacity by December 2027. Photo: Disclosure/Enel 

Projections published by ONS (National Electric System Operator) reveal that the capacity installed in solar energy Starting at power plants GC (centralized generation) should double in size until December 2027, jumping from 8.07 GW to more than 16.4 GW.

O addition forecast of more than 8 GW at electrical matrix national and the largest among all sources, exceeding, for example, the volume that should be generated by hydro, biomass and wind plants – which, in the coming years, should add 0.8 GW, 1.4 GW and 6.9 GW to the SIN (National Interconnected System) , respectively.

According to the ONS, the trend is that, with these numbers, the solar fountain occupy one even greater participation in the matrix national electricity, which may correspond to 7,9% of the total of installed capacity in the country. Currently, this percentage is 4.4%.

O study of the national operator points yet for one decline, increasing energy generation from polluting sources in Brazil.

Nuclear and coal-fired plants, for example, must remain exactly as they are, without registering any increase in power with the SIN until December 2027, as shown in the image below: 


Photo: Disclosure/ONS
Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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