Solar energy is the renewable source that hires the most women in the world

Around 40% of the jobs created in the sector in 2021 were female professionals
Energia solar é a fonte renovável que mais contrata mulheres no mundo
IRENA warns of the need for more equal opportunities for women. Photo: Lucas Bahia de Oliveira

A solar energy and the renewable source that employed the most women in the business market around the world last year. 

This is what a survey published this Thursday (29) by IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency). 

According to the study, about 40% of hiring carried out in photovoltaic sector in 2021 were from female professionals.

This is a number that represents almost double the proportion of women maids by the sources of generation wind (21%) it's from Oil and Gas (22%).

The amount is also higher than the average percentage of women employed in all sectors of renewable energy, which is 32%.

Regarding the types of services performed, the IRENA survey found that 47% of the jobs created for gender in the solar sector were related to equipment manufacturing.

Service providers and developers follow closely behind with 39% and 37%, respectively, while photovoltaic energy installers have the lowest performance, with just 12% of the segment's workforce.

IRENA also alerts society to the need for more equal opportunities for women in science, technology and engineering positions, where representation is around 38%. 

“In addition, there is ample space for women to take on more decision-making roles, as they currently occupy 30% of managerial positions and only 13% of senior management positions in the photovoltaic solar energy sector”, points out the report.

The study

This is the third report published by IRENA with the aim of evaluating the role of women in the solar energy sector and highlighting possible barriers and opportunities. In total, 1,300 companies and organizations were interviewed. 

“Raise awareness about gender equality, improve national and workplace policies, provide more training, opportunities for networking and access to mentors are critical steps to leveling the playing field for women in the sector”, concludes the study. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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