Solar energy exposes electrical engineers to great opportunities

Brazil celebrates 109 years since the creation of Electrical Engineer's Day this Wednesday (23)
Energia solar expõe engenheiro eletricista a grandes oportunidades
In the solar sector, electrical engineers work on areas such as designing and installing projects. Photo: Envato Elements.

This Wednesday (23), celebrating the Electrical Engineer's Day, whose date refers to the founding of the Instituto Eletrotécnico de Itajubá (MG), one of the largest engineering schools in the country, in 1913. 

Nowadays, with the increasing advancement of new technologies, their performance is essential in the functioning of other areas and in the daily life of an entire society. 

At the solar energy sector, The performance of this professional it is linked to several fronts, such as carrying out projects, installation of power plants, sizing of ventures and much more, as explained Paulo Edmundo Freire, professor at Grounding Course of Solar Channel It is managing partner of Paiol Engineering.

“Being an electrical engineer in the photovoltaic sector is quite a challenge, as solar plants cover a very wide range of installations, with plants on rooftops and in large parks, floating plants, plants integrated with other sources and dozens of other applications” , he explained. 

“All of them, governed by an extensive collection of national and international standards, in which we have to use our knowledge to ensure that our projects are always in safe, efficient and operable conditions. This is our big challenge!”, he added.  

Obligations and opportunities

Through his technical knowledge and carrying out a due analysis of the project, the electrical engineer is responsible for defining important structural issues and other fundamental items for the design of a plant.

He is also responsible for ensuring that the installations are all in accordance with Brazilian standards, such as NR 10 and NR 35, which deal with safety issues and which are required to be applied by these professionals.

Failure to comply with such standards and carrying out a poor installation can, for example, compromise the safety of a plant, causing problems such as fires and overloading the system as a whole. 

“Electrical engineers have a great opportunity in the solar sector, as their main activity is related to their training. If you want to grow in a company or be an entrepreneur, you need to have broader knowledge, but knowing the main thing in depth ends up putting the professional at an advantage”, he analyzed. Bernardo Marangon, managing partner at Exact Energy. 

The professor also highlighted that the electrical sector in the world has been the same for more than 100 years and that being an electrical engineer at this time exposes the professional to great opportunities, considering that the world is currently going through a “revolution with the entry of solar technology ”.

Already Denilson Lima, electrical engineer and professor of Solar Channel, sees electrical engineering as one of the most promising areas today, offering professional opportunities in a rapidly expanding job market. 

“The solar energy market has been conquering a significant portion of the Brazilian energy matrix and with the stimulus of the growth of renewable energies, other technologies see great market potential, creating great opportunities and future perspectives for the electrical engineer”, he highlighted.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.
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