Solar energy already benefits three million consumers in Brazil

Amount was reached eight months after the market reached the mark of 2 million customers
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Energia solar já beneficia três milhões de consumidores no Brasil
Photo: Reproduction/ABGD

O Brazil surpassed the mark three million UCs (consumer units) that receive credits from solar generation at the segment of G.D. (distributed generation), show data released by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

The amount was recorded eight months after the market reached the mark of 2 million consumers benefiting from the source, in January this year. At this moment, the total number of photovoltaic plants installed in GD in the country is 2.06 million.

A most of the three million consumer units belong to the class of residential consumption, with around 2.05 million customers, approximately two thirds of the total. The market still has 556 thousand commercial consumers, 319 thousand rural and 58.6 thousand industrialists.

O leading state number of consumers benefiting from distributed solar generation is Minas Gerais, with 628.4 thousand customers. São Paulo (389.8 thousand), Rio Grande do Sul (351.6 thousand), Paraná (242.7 thousand) and Bahia (171.5 thousand) complete the five largest markets in Brazil.

The municipalities with the most UCs from the country is Pirapora (MG), where 806 photovoltaic systems benefit more than 40.8 thousand consumers. Next, the cities of Florianópolis (SC), Campo Grande (MS), Teresina (PI) and Montes Claros (MG) appear, with 37.9 thousand; 31.8 thousand; 24.8 thousand and 24.7 thousand consumer units.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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