Solar energy exceeds 10 GW of installed power in homes

Consumption class is the one that accounts for the highest numbers of solar DG since the beginning of the expansion of the source in the country
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Energia solar supera 10 GW de potência instalada em residências
Photo: Pixabay

O Brazil surpassed, early this Tuesday morning (18), the mark of 10GW in solar power installed in residences, according to data recorded by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency). 

This is a number that only consolidates the consumer class as the one with the largest volume of photovoltaic power installed in DG (distributed generation) in the country. 

To date, the segment also has another 5.48 GW generated from commercial establishments; 2.89 GW for rural properties; 1.35 GW for industrial plants and another 0.21 GW for systems linked to power and public services.

Compared to the same period last year, the solar power volume generated by Brazilian homes practically doubled: there were 5.06 GW in April 2022 against the current 10.03 GW. 

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According to ANEEL, the consumer class residential also is what leads the national DG photovoltaic market in terms of numbers of installed systems.

In total, they are already 1.47 million connections in operation and which together generate credits for around 1.83 million UCs (consumer units). 

Next come commercial establishments and rural properties, with 199.2 thousand and 159.3 thousand installations carried out, respectively. Currently, of the 5,570 municipalities that exist in Brazil, more than 98.7% (5,499) have at least one residence with solar energy in operation. 

Source: ANEEL


Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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