'Solar energy has everything to revolutionize the Brazilian energy matrix'

Head of Sales and Operations at SAJ highlights benefits of photovoltaic sources and challenges in leveraging this technology
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02-07-21-canal-solar-‘Energia solar tem tudo para revolucionar a matriz energética brasileira’

“When we talk about potential, Brazil puts on a show in this regard.” This is what Alysson Camilo, head of Sales and Operations at SAJ in the country, stated regarding the growth capacity of photovoltaic energy. 

During participation in the podcast Sun Talk, the expert emphasized the benefits of this technology in the process of tackling the water crisis, as well as the importance of adopting EVs (electric vehicles) and the main challenges to achieving a more sustainable energy transition.

“The amount of energy that Brazil produces today is around 175 GW – which is the sum of all sources. In this case, the amount of opportunities that solar offers is the equivalent of 160 times that total. In other words, the government would not need to invest in other types of electricity if it wanted to further explore this potential”, he pointed out. 

For Camilo, the photovoltaic source has everything to revolutionize, not only the Brazilian energy matrix, which is already happening, but also the matrix in the world, due to the economic and environmental benefits it offers.   

Electric mobility

“The advent of electric vehicles is another step we have to take.” This is what the executive also analyzed. “The government has to somehow encourage the adoption of electrified cars. An alternative is to remove taxes, for example, so that it really becomes popular. And before that, solar will be advancing in parallel and contributing to this popularization.” 

According to him, the very advent of EVs “triggers” photovoltaic technology. “There will no longer be that speech that we wouldn’t have enough electricity to charge an electric fleet. Both go hand in hand, one will boost the existence of the other.” 

Furthermore, the executive believes that the 100% electric cars will help in the expansion of photovoltaic plants with batteries, making them more accessible. 

Water crisis

Another point highlighted by the expert is that solar energy is essential to combat the water crisis in Brazil, considered the worst in the last 91 years. The problem has actually been spreading since October last year, which is raising discussions about the risk of rationing.

“This form of clean, renewable electricity can contribute to water scarcity, amid these alternative energies that the government uses as backup. In this case, thermoelectric plants, which are extremely polluting and expensive sources”, he commented. 

Read more: Albuquerque highlights the importance of renewables and calls for conscious use of water and electricity

“In other words, if we have this need for water, solar is there. And that is what we are trying to show our governments when we debate PL 5829. We are showing a quick way out, which is becoming popular today”, he emphasized.

Main obstacles and challenges for solar in Brazil

Throughout the podcast, the head of Sales and Operations at SAJ also discussed the obstacles that the photovoltaic market is facing in Brazil, such as discussions regarding PL 5829, which aims to create the legal framework for DG (distributed generation). 

“In recent weeks we have seen associations working together in Brasília to have clearer, more objective legislation. The investor, in this case, needs to see legal certainty so that solar can be boosted even further”, he said.

Read more: PL 5829 has been passed over in relation to controversial projects

“After all, who will make contributions where, eventually, there is no clarity in the rules? And when we talk about investors, we are not just talking about international investors who may be interested in energy auctions, we are talking about local consumers, who are interested in having plants on their rooftops and who want to understand whether the rule will change or not”, he added.

Therefore, in Camilo's opinion, PL 5829 is essential for the photovoltaic segment to grow exponentially. “Once approved, it will help the number of projects we intend to install in the coming decades.” 

Regarding the challenges the country faces, the executive reported the issue of the cost of the solar panel. “Although there is a drop, it is not accessible to the masses. We need more institutions to offer financing with affordable interest rates, with longer terms and for governments to help the market in some way, encouraging it, favoring it and disseminating information. We see more efforts from the private sector than from the public.” 

“Therefore, it is a set of things that we need to evolve so that everyone rows with the same objective: boosting this sustainable technology”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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