Solar energy exceeds 33 GW of operational capacity

In the year to date, more than 9 GW have been installed between the distributed and centralized generation segments
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Brasil ultrapassa 33 GW de capacidade operacional em energia solar
Since July 2022, solar energy has shown average growth of more than 1 GW per month in Brazil. Photo: Pexels

O Brazil reached the mark 33 GW of operational capacity from the solar fountain, including large-scale plants and own energy generation systems on roofs, facades and small plots of land, according to ANEEL data (National Electric Energy Agency). 

In total, the national photovoltaic market has more than 22.9 GW originating of GD systems (distributed generation) and others 10.13 GW from GC plants (centralized generation).

Year to date, the source adds up to more than 9 GW installed in the country, since in the first week of January there were only 24 GW of operational capacity recorded by the Agency. At the time, there were 16.4 GW of distributed generation and 7.6 GW of centralized generation. 

Since July 2022, the Solar energy has shown average growth of more than 1 GW per month. If this average continues until December, this would mean that Brazil would add at least another 5 GW by the end of the year, closing 2023 with at least 38 GW of operational capacity.  

Distributed generation

In addition to the 22.9 GW of power in distributed generation, Brazil also has more than 2.06 million photovoltaic systems installed in this modality. Of this total, more than 409 thousand were implemented in 2023. 

According to ANEEL, Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul lead the ranking of distributed photovoltaic generation in the country, with 3.10 GW; 3.08 GW and 2.33 GW of power, respectively. These values together correspond to 37% of solar DG in Brazil.

Centralized generation

Beyond the more than 10 GW in operation, the centralized solar energy generation segment has another 6.7 GW of capacity under construction, plants and another 115.6 GW of granted power in the process of being built, according to ANEEL.

Among the states with the highest installed capacity from centralized solar plants, the following stand out: Minas Gerais, with 3.42 GW; Bahia, with 2.04 GW, and Piauí, with 1.46 GW. This year alone, more than 60 photovoltaic plants entered commercial operation in the country.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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