Energisa announces contributions of R$ 1 billion for GD in 2022

Last year, the company reached 77.7 MWp in installed distributed generation capacity
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03-02-22-canal-solar-Energisa anuncia aportes de R$ 1 bilhão para GD em 2022
Energisa Group will invest, in total, R$ 5.6 billion this year. Photo: reproduction

O Energisa Group announced that in 2022 the planned investment in solar photovoltaic DG (distributed generation), through the renewable energy subsidiary Alsol, will be R$ 1 billion.

“We have a clear ambition for the future. We want to lead the energy transition agenda in the country as a complete platform of energy solutions to offer the best products and services to people and companies”, highlighted Maurício Botelho, CFO of Energisa.

“To achieve this result, we continue with the strategy that combines business diversification and robust investments. Efficient management in cost control, adequate expansion of the asset base and dynamism of concession areas guide our solid financial position, which has allowed us to increase investments in recent years”, he added.

The executive also reinforced that in 2021 the Energisa Group, through Alsol, reached an installed distributed generation capacity of 77.7 MWp. By 2024, the company said it intends to build around 460 MWp in DG assets, potentially increasing the current base of 2,000 customers in this segment by five.

Read too: Alsol buys Vision Group companies and accelerates expansion in solar DG

Total investments

The company also announced that, in total, it will invest R$ 5.6 billion this year. The amount is the largest contribution in Energisa's history for one year. The amount is 44% higher than the value initially estimated for 2021 (R$ 3.9 billion) and, consequently, also greater than what was invested in 2020 (R$ 2.4 billion).

According to the company, the increase in resources is in line with the business diversification strategy announced at the end of last year, which included Energisa's advancement in activities not related to regulated electricity distribution businesses.

More investments

In addition to contributions to solar DG, Energisa directed R$ 3.8 billion to its 11 energy distributors. Transmission projects will receive R$ 362 million this year.

Among the distributors, Energisa Mato Grosso stands out, the unit that will receive the largest share of investments, with R$ 793 million. The five units with the most contributions for the year complete: Energisa Rondônia (R$ 742 million); Energisa Mato Grosso do Sul (R$ 621 million); Energisa Acre (R$ 419.7 million) and Energisa Tocantins (R$ 365 million).

“The investment allocation was also diversified, bringing a balance between our core business, distribution and other businesses. This synergy between distribution and new areas also allows us to have a vision connected with decarbonization through innovative offers of solutions for industries, a robust electrical network and greater installed capacity for renewable sources”, emphasized Botelho.

For transmission, which is also the focus of Energisa's business diversification for 2022, the state of Tocantins will receive the largest amount, totaling R$ 230 million, allocated to the ETT-1 and ETT-22 projects, the latter being acquired at auction in June of last year, which includes a new 138 kV yard at the Gurupi substation and with synergy with the ETT-1 project.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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